what can we do, keep it or?

my girl is 1 month pregnant, and we dont know if we should keep the baby or not… we both 17 and still live with our parents. we are more concern about her parents because we dont know what they would say… we both want to have it, but we dont know if thats the right decision. I hope you guys are willinq to help me, and will help us make the right decision

Answer #1

a baby will be a lot of work and will mean that you and your girlfriend will always be a part of each others lives and so will your families.

if you are unsure, I think you should keep it. you made this life and weather it was on purpose or not it is your responsibility. the baby did not ask to be made, you guys made him/her, and it is a living human being.

you cannot make the decision to have it or not based on what you think your parents will think. say for example you chose to have an abortion, then 2 years later, your 19 and dont really have as much to do with your parents and every day you will think about this baby that never was. 2 years later all the fuss will have blown over, in 2 years (or earlier) your families will have come to terms with this, and as soon as they see their grandaughter or grandson they will be happy and in bliss, a baby brings everybody together.

this baby is not ‘yours’ as per say. yes, you made it, but it is a human being living inside your girlfriend. it can feel pain, and it already loves your girlfriend- his.her mummy.

you are now a father, weather the baby is born or not, you are a father and your girlfriend is a mother and right now you are choosing weather or not to terminate your child.

sorry; im not trying to be mean, or im not judging or anything, I just think this is a huge decision and isnt what most people think it is. you will probably get heaps of people saying your too young or irresponsible etc but this is not their decision. block our every single person on earth and sit down with your girlfriend and talk this through fully. having a baby is the most wonderful thing in the world, it is your decision, not your mums or dads or your girlfriend’s mum or dad, you are both over 16 so your legal etc, and if you want to have this baby then have it.

if you both decide to keep the baby it will be a lot of work, and money, but you will get though. there are benefits etc and your parents will probably help you.

the fact that you are asking this question means that you dont know what to do, and you shouldnt base something this big on a ‘didnt know what to do’ base.

this is not just a baby, it will grow, you will have a baby, and a toddler, and a child at school. when you are 25 the kid will be 8 and if its a boy you could coach the soccer team and build science experiments and help him with homework. if its a girl you could take her to the park or get a dog and chase it after school. then you will have a pree-teen and have silly little fights and go shopping with them and put up the xmas tree and have family dinners etc. then you will have a teenager and teach them to drive etc, then they will be your age and then they will leave home and become an adult. this is not just a baby it is a human being. this is your whole life.

please dont kill your baby.

it didnt ask to be here, you made it. funmail me if you have any more questions or anything I am happy to help. im only 16 myself lol.

have a good day. :)

Answer #2

As hard a decision as it is, you and your girlfriend are the only ones who are in charge of making it. Your parents can say whatever they want, but ultimately its your decision. Keep in mind, at seventeen your high school career should be nearly over and the whole situation may change after graduation. That being said, if you still feel as though you and your girlfriend will not be able to properly support a baby, put it up for adoption. After all, the choice of keeping the baby is to do what’s best for the child in the long run. With adoption there are many different options of how to approach an “agreement” between the birth parents and adoptive parents however you would like. I encourage you both to look into adoption as an alternative to abortion. There are waitlists of loving families that are waiting to give precious babies the best life they possibly can. If you are hesitating about keeping the baby because of the embarassment and shame of your parents finding out, I really do hope you understand that it was your choice to have sex and now isn’t the time to hide the fact that you do by hiding the ultimate consequence that everyone should be aware could happen if you are sexually active. good luck.

Answer #3

if you both want then go ahead you guys are the parents and if you have the money and the time then I dont c why its a problem… sure her parents might freak but its your relationship its her body she knows what she wants…like I said if you guys have the time n money then go ahead

Answer #4

all I can say is if your good enough to get her pregnant then your good enough to have the baby. because if you dont your killing an innocent baby!

Answer #5

I think you guys should tell your parents. they might be really mad and disappointed. but soooner or later they will love the baby. hey, everyone makes mistakes! and if you gvie the baby away you will regret that the rest of your life! talk to your parents about it.

Answer #6

tough dude!!! first I think yall should tell your parentss!! and then figure out if you can really take care of a baby! like whos gonna work,who will take care of the baby,provide,and have a happy life for your baby… you dont want to have any effects on family by havin a baby make sure you can really take on this challege!! you and your girl!! its a lot of work to take care of a baby.. and if you can then yeah keep the baby but if you cant and you dont think its right,,dont go for abortion!! go adpotion atleast and you can do adoption where you can still visit your chld if you wanna be there still.. you know?? (: but its not my or da people on heres decison its you and your girls because its your baby!! and your life!! (: so good luck (: best to you and your family

Answer #7

this is such a tough question. there are so many people against getting rid of a child and only so much responsibility put into raising and even developing a child.

if you two are completely against abortion then you could either put the baby up for adoption or keep it. but then either one of those automatically means that the parents must be aware of it. this is entirely your and your partner’s decision and no one, not even her parents can change that.

one thing I will say though is that if you see yourself with the same girl and having children together later on in the future. I don’t see how it would be that much a problem to keep this baby.

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