Can I move out without police being involved?

Im turning 16 next month..and I live in Texas. Both of my parents are willing to let me move out of my house (I currently live with a family friend) and live with my friend in her apartment. I dont have any criminal record or anything like that and im getting a job at kroger..If I move out with parental consent would the police throw a fit if they found out, or would everything be cool? Any answers are MUCH appreciated..thanks =]

Answer #1

Ey, I Would Love to Help, but I live in Australia, and in Australia You Cant move out until your 18. Lol, If they Cops found out they would Charge us.

Answer #2

well if your parents are cool with it you could just file for emancipation (basically to make you an adult) but I don’t know cause I florida the cops would care cause 16 is old enough but then again I dont live in texas so sryy I don’t know

Answer #3

texasskimmie, my parents are okay with me moving out becos they trust me and know that im capable of being on my own. lol. =].

tori- yeah, in about a year or 2 people wont be able to do anything with a GED so if I were to lose my job, id be so freakin hard to get a new one lol. I’ll manage though.

I just need to make sure that the police wont like flip out, because I mean my parents are OKAY with me living elsewhere..and to get a GED you have to be living away from parents anyways so it has to be okay, huh? haha

Answer #4

Well, I live in Texas and don’t know the law about that. I’m sure you could google it. But what I don’t understand is why parents would be okay about their 16 year old moving out. I’d be devastated.

Answer #5

well im scared to file for emancipation because I don’t know if they would grant me it lol with my luck, probly not nahah. dfjhdsjgsd!! I live away from both parents id be 16 id have a job making 600 a month id be out of school because my dads signing for me to take the GED test so I can get the hell out of school I have a 7k trust fund um…im pretty much okay. but I dont think I would pass for emancipation. I dont even have a drivers liscence bahah.

Answer #6

if you’re parents are fine with it then it should be okay. just keep going to school and when you have to like give your address give your parents so it wont give any suspicion. if you dont stay in school it’ll be hard to find a really good job besides kroger with just a GED. and you’ll run out of money eventually and you want to have a good job to make money to live on your own and pay bills and stuff.

Answer #7

what the hell. I totally meant “to get EMANCIPATED, you have to be living away from parents” …NOT GED. hahaha my bad

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