Why is my girlfriend having light bleeding?

Hi, my girlfriend has vaginal bleeding, and according to her, it is “light blood” as in not “dark red blood” it doesn’t just “come out” she has to push it out, and it hurts her. She says it hurts a lot, this happened to her today, and the reason why I believe is because we had too much sex. It being her first time, as well it was for me. We’re in college so I visited her. although the last visit where we lost our virginity we only did it “once” and yeah it hurt her, but it didn’t get her to bleed. Now this second coming, we had sex roughly 15-17 times, in a span of 4 days. Yes I know that’s a lot, but you know we’re new at this feeling, and well it can get a hold of us. Now I am willing to anything it takes to have her calmed down, because she means more to be than anything in the world, so I would like to know some facts, on this matter. Can it be vaginal bleeding? from a tear? or a STD yes we used a condom for every single event, and yes it was lubed, and yes I do remember there being times where we would have to use our own saliva to keep it “lubed” our events lasted roughly 20-40 minutes, and after each event it just got harder and harder. So please I need some answers if any, I am looking all over the net for some answers, but I would like to hear from you. please, thanks in advance.

Answer #1

thank you very much, as long as she is clam i can be as well.

Answer #2

she just called me and said she had a blood clot, should i still be calm? i mean i told her to wait a day and see if she gets any better, even if she does, i am making her go see an E.R. she’s in an all womens college, so i am sure “they” know how to treat her.

Answer #3

Not to mention the vulnerability to infections. Don’t do anything sexual involving her vagina until she is completely healed. I wish you both luck.

Answer #4

Dear confused101, A few things to be concerned about here…she had to push the blood out? What she is doing doesn’t sound logical and she should stop this practise. She’s not on her periods and has a blood clot? Again this doesn’t sound right. Yes extensive sex will cause tears and bleeding. As with any open sore it needs to heal and needs caution not to get infected. She needs to see a doctor ASAP. Sue…good luck

Answer #5

i wouldnt worry to much, its happened to me a couple times. when the girl isn new at sex, its really tender and even though u guys were well lubed theres probably a small tear just from the new sensation and so much activity down there. just go to the health center and have it checked out but its no big deal in all honesty, and another great tip is buy some lube from the store, it last a lot longer then the lubed condoms and will help prevent the tearing. :)

Answer #6

My girlfriend has been taking the pill, and so one friday night we had sex. but then the condom broke. A week later she had her period so she wasn’t taking the pill, then her period stopped 5 or so days later like usual, the day she stopped bleeding we gave each other oral sex, then the day afetr she took the pill again, I fingered her and she started bleeding, this really scared us and we thought she was pregnant, she took a text that night and it said she wasnt pregnant, anyone know anything about this, im scared, thanks

Answer #7

Yes she needs to see a doctor. Especially if she is in pain. Its extremely important she goes.. there could be a number of things wrong

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