Why do your vagina lips hurt after rough sex when it isn't a std?

Answer #1

Because it was rough, your vagina is just sore. Give it time it’ll most likely go away if not go to a doctor.

Answer #2

However long the active ‘pump-age’ took, rub one spot on your arm (or head … or foot …)for that long. Now your arm (or etc) will also be sore. Unless rough sex is YOUR choice, tell the di**weed guy to slow down. Tell him, “It turns me off!” That is one phrase that will catch his attention. Good Luck!!

Answer #3

Either too rough or you could be too dry. If you aren’t getting wet enough you could try some personal lubricant made for that purpose. Be careful with this rough sex thing, you could injure yourself.

Answer #4

It doesn’t turn me off though. I love really roung sex just not the after affects of it. That hurts. I never hurt until about 2 hours after than it all hits me and last about 3 days.

Answer #5

I am allergic to most lubricants and even latex free condoms. So usually i just have normal sex but i tend to get really wet so wetness isn’t my issue

Answer #6

Then use PLENTY of lube - water based like KY Jelly, and add some more after a bit. Numbing gels are probably not good as you will overdo the activity, not realizing when you start getting tissue damage. Just remember to practice safe sex, and enjoy!! Good Luck!!

Answer #7

I just read your response to Onemandog - sorry. You should probably get on an estrogen type birth control pill, or possibly an IUD if you are sensitive to condoms. Estrogen cream can help if you aren’t naturally lubricated enough. Get a prescription from your doctor or clinic. Talk to your ObGyn or clinic (Planned Parenthood maybe?) about other options. Take care!!

Answer #8

Well then I’d say you probably should take it easy. When you said “rough sex” I really wasn’t sure what you meant. You know the in and out situation should be pleasurable, not painful.

Answer #9

P.S. bimjob has a good point.

Answer #10

maybe u could get the rough part of your rough sex from other ways besides “pumpage” (lol @bimjob!) like spankings and hair pulling and stuff?

Answer #11

you hurt becuase you have not built up tolerance to it. just like hot water and cold water. kids are far more pron to complain about warm water being hot than you because you have been exposed to it longer and more of you life. If you hurt after rough sex relax it’s natural. wait until pain leaves and do it again repeating healing and action until you no longer hurt. could take months

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