Universal healthcare?

Just curious… What is your opinion on universal healthcare?

Answer #1

Simply a Rose to brighten your day,         And maybe lessen the cares in your way;         And also, too, to help you to know,         That in knowing you, many others grow!

  I think it would be a good thing if it was direct medical coverage by the government, not insurance companies. It should cover all necessary coverage to maintain status quo. That would exclude coverage simply for cosmetic purposes (not excluding cosmetic procedures necessary because of an accident) or gender reassignment.

It could be funded by a percentage tax on ALL income (employment, retirement, winnings, law suit income, and inheritance income). The percentage should be the same on all income but could have a cap on how much would be taxable.

I think the the government could regulate the costs allowed for various procedures and medications, maybe via a medical board or commission.

Answer #2

This issue is now affecting the competitiveness of US companies. When Toyota wants to build an auto plant in North America and hire automotive engineers, they have to consider that Canadian employees have universal health care and won’t need company help. American employees, however, will need some type of medical plan provided by the company. It’s not the deciding factor, but it is often an important factor.

I like the quality of the US system. It is the most effective at treatment. However, coverage desperately needs improvement. And the laws governing the system are backward.

No discussion about universal health coverage will be serious without input from medical professionals and insurance companies. That’s one thing I like about Obama; he has not promised universal health care in his campaign because it sounds good. He realizes the system is broken and he wants the experts to figure out how to fix it.

Answer #3

It is the only logical choice. The alternative is for everyone to be paying twice what we should be for health care, while the insurance comapies are making record profits.

Answer #4

I think it might be a bad idea

because people wo actually work hard for their money

Are gunna be providing for bums

Thats my view

Answer #5

I think that it is a wonderful idea…for those that have families and work or for those that do have some sort of income comming in. I think that it would help families that don’t quite make as much money as other people. Like, my mom can’t work and we struggle sometimes…but we’re totally happy and universal health care would’ve definately came in handy when I tore a muscle and couldn’t walk for 3 weeks. I had no insurance…we couldn’t afford it. But as for people who choose not to work…that’s another story.

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