Is my boyfriend Ugly Or Cute??

I Dont Know Why I’m Asking This ;; I Suppose I Want Other’s Opinions! Is My Boyfriend Ugly Or Cute??…LoL His Picture Is In My Photo’s…

Answer #1

UGLY! mine is so much hotter

Answer #2

I Dont. I Love Him ;; I just want to hear other’s opinions..

Answer #3

he’s a good looking guy, though as you know it shouldnt really matter even if he was ugly (: erin x

Answer #4

Looks don’t matter. Thats probley the last thing you should be thinking about. Its whats on the inside that counts.

Answer #5

who cares,its yo man,u shudnt care wut othas think

Answer #6

why are you asking other peoples opinions on your boyfriend? if you like him the way he is then it shouldnt matter what anybody else thinks but YOU!

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