To wash or not to

Is it ok to wash your kids mouth out with ivory soap

Answer #1

I think its cruel! Would you like to have sop in your mouth?!!! :(

Answer #2

As long as it’s not Life Buoy, you should be ok. That makes you go blind according to “A Christmas Story”.

Answer #3


Answer #4

I’m a mum and there are better ways to stop your child from swearing, like give them 10 stars (they have to be like 5 for this to work!) Then take one away everytime they use a word you dislike, if they have 5+left at the end of the week reward them. Good luck.

Answer #5

Haha! My mom did this to me once when I was little…I kept saying f*ck! I guess I was amused by the reaction she gave me when I said it…Anyways, she did it once when nothing else was working. I never said it around her again…It did, however, give me a pretty bad belly ache, and she felt horrible and never did it again! lol

Answer #6

We had our mouths washed out when we were little. And it didn’t work :). Rather find a different way to teach a child something.

Answer #7

I can’t believe people are saying it’s a good idea!

Answer #8


Answer #9

No, that would be considered a form of child abuse. if you do it, you are a monster.

Answer #10

It is considered child abuse, if you are trying to stop a child from talking back. cursing,etc., there are more humane ways to do it. With cursing, I asked my daughter if she had ever heard me say (whatever the word was) and she’d say no—so then I would remind her that she had never heard Mommy say it then it wasn’t ok to say.

Answer #11

I don’t think that it is harmful when done in a mild manner. Future “threats” of having their mouth washed out with soap is usually sufficient to prevent the action that would generate the use of soap. A mild manner would be like rubbing a wash cloth over a bar of soap then rubbing it over the front of the mouth.

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Answer #12

Have to agree with you Intense…no matter how its done, its still cruel and just down right mean! Did it work for us when we had it done to us as kids? Majority—no.

Answer #13

It is not a type of child abuse I had that happen to me and yeh it does kinda work because you hate the taste so you think about it before you do it again. AND JUST MAKE THEM take a lil on there fingers and brush there teeth with it instead of puttin the whole bar in their mouth :)

Answer #14

“Would you like to have sop in your mouth?!!!” That would be the definition of a punishment dear… having something done that you don’t want done…

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