the worst flight experience

what was the worst flight experience you’ve ever had?

me, my family are about to go back to Green Bay, WI at the time it was a direct flight coming from LA. we had the worst turbulence, that the plane was like a shaking machine with turning us all to scream and hold our breaths. I cried that time, praying that if it was our time, I hoped that my dog will have a safe place to stay after, since I know we all are together on that flight.. we were all compensated by the airline company, but the trauma it brought us, won’t be paid or matched by any material thing..

what was your experience related to it?

Answer #1

the worst was when I was flying from Dubai, to England and when we were just about to land, we suddenly flew back into the air and it was rele scary and everyone had gone silent. But then the pilot spoke and said that there had been a blockage on the runway and we had to circle round in the air and wait a few minutes before we could land.

Answer #2

mine…was when I was going to san fransisco from dallas and I got severe headaches my eyes turned beat red, and I had the worst seat in the plane and the smallest also…

Answer #3

My worst…I was in second grade, on the way to florida, switching planes in colorado. On the first plane I drank an apple juice. On the second plane I barfed up 5 Bags worth of apple juice throw up.

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