The Pill

I just had a quick question about birth control. Me and my boyfriend have been together for 2 years :) and everything is great. We’ve been having sex for about a year and always use a form of birth control (condoms). We’re pretty young so he hasn’t been with anyone else and I’ve only been with my ex-boyfriend but I was his first so we’re not worried about any sort of sexually transmitted types of things. However, we were curious about having sex without the use of a condom, but of course I never would without some use of birth control. I was considering going on the pill because I heard its just as effective as condoms. But, is it ok to just use the pill as birth control without the use of a condom to prevent pregnancy if there is no worry about transmitting disease? And how long should I wait for the pill to be effective?

Answer #1

well myy advicee too youu iss too bee onn thee pill andd usee a condomm still becausee imm pritty suree imm pregnantt rightt noww andd imm onn thee pill butt wee didntt usee a condomm!. so yeah USE BOTH!. andd usee thee pill correctlyy too. doo nott misss a daay!. causee i didd andd see weree i amm noww. lol so yeaah butt i hopee my advicee hepledd a littlee <3

Answer #2

you wait a month for it to be effective.. and it has a 1% of pregnancy if used consistantly.. i stll use a condom when me and my boyfriend have sex. just cuz im scared

Answer #3

Honestly just go with the needle if she is a teen dont take the chance , if you miss the pill one day it wont work and I GOT pregnant on the pill. and i didnt miss a day. so I suggest the needle . (as a bonus , when you use the needle you dont get your period anymore and you only have to go in every month or so)

Answer #4

Yes you can rely on just the pill, but like condoms it is not 100% effective, its 97% effective, but you can rely on it as the only method of birth control.

Answer #5

Yes, you can use the pill w/ out getting pregnant, there are also other forms of BC, you should ask your Dr. or if you do not want to ask your Dr. then look up birthcontrol on the internet.There are also shots that you can get that last up to 3 months, instead of usuing the pill, there are many others, just do a little research.

Answer #6

u still can get pregnant if u are on the pill. it is not 100% effective. if u want to try having sex without a condom once to see the difference i would go on the pill and get some Plan B. which is an emergency pill that u take that also helps pervent getting pregnant. But u really shouldn’t have sex without a condom because there is still a chance u can get pregnant if u are on the pill.

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