How am I supposed to sleep with my new belly piercing?

I normally sleep on my stomach and obviously thats too painful and i CANNOT sleep on my back or side. And can people please just answer the question ( no personal opinions about age or anything like that ) ??

Answer #1

On ur back?

Answer #2

Be careful how you sleep. Sleeping on your stomach can cause something to get stuck in it and pull it. If, like many people, you find yourself sleeping on your stomach (which is a problem) you can try this trick I used. If your bed is a single bed - Grab some spare pillows, and pile them up on one side. You can do this better if you lie on the bed. Put enough space for you to lie on your back, and then put the pillows on the remaining space. Now in your sleep, if you try and roll over you will be stopped by the pillows, or you will stay on your side. You have to try it a few times to get it right for your body shape, but it’s a good trick.

Answer #3

You’re either going to have to sleep on your back, or side (whether you like to or not)…Or, not sleep.

There is not that many options here.

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