Strawberry Rubarb Pie

Does anyone have a real good recipe for my first home made strawberry rubarb pie

Answer #1

assuming these are fresh ingeredients (if using pre prepared fruit from a tin just follow guidlines for pastry) FILLING: 1 punnet of strawberries 5-4 pieces of rubarb leaves cut off and washed 5 table spoons of suger water

PASTRY: plain flour 3-4 heeped table spoons of butter pinch of salt milk for glasing water

equipment: pie dish approx 8” pastry brush fork knife rolling pin sauce pans


pastry: add 2- 3 cups of flour to a bowl add the butter and pinch of salt work with your hands to make breadcrumbs when you have breadcrumbs add a little water to the mixture and need into a smooth doe (you can add more water if mixture is crumbly) cover in cling film and place in the fridge for 30 mins

filling: slice the strawberries in half and cut the rubarb into chunks, in a sauce pan add the 5 spoons of suger and add water till it just covers the suger heat on a medium burn and stir constantly until all the suger is disolved the mixure will then get thicker (syrup) add the fruit and stir slowely and gently the rubarb will start to get stringy and mushy when its cooked through you can do the fruit seperatly if you wish and combine later what you will have is a pink sticky goo

take the doe out of the fridge spred a little flour over your work serface and on your rolling pin .. roll out your doe till its approx 1/2 cm thick drape the rolled doe over your rolling pin and drag it over your pie dish (which has been greesed) push down inside the dish and trim the edges with a knife

add your filling with the remaider of the doe roll out to 1/2 cm thickness and drape over the top of dish and trim with knife with a fork press the edges of your pie dish down so the bottom layer of doe sticks to the top if it wont stick you can brush with milk to glue the pieces together

prick the top of your pie with the fork then with the pastry brush lightly brush milk over the top of the pastry not to much just a light coating add a sprinkle of suger to the top

put I the middle of the oven at gas mark 6 or 220 degrees for 15-20 or until golden brown surve hot with cream or custard


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