Sore in my mouth

I have this weird looking white thing in my mouth that hurts really bad it’s on my bottom lip inside under my bottom teeth is there anything I can do?

Answer #1

Sorry, racinchic…but canker sores are usually reddish in color with a red “halo” around it. They are painful as well.

Apthous ulcers are white and painful. Sometimes they may also have the red “halo” as well, but normally is just white and elevated off the skin and hurts a lot! They are different than canker sore. Also. Canker sores are NORMALLY found on the outside of the mouth, but can sometimes be inside the mouth.

Answer #2

You have a canker sore. You can get medicine at your local pharmacy. You can also eat yogurt. Your yeast level is lower than your acid level in your body. Eating yogurt will coat it and help ease the pain alittle. You can try the salt water but it burns really bad.

Answer #3

Yep…swish it with salt water, and it’ll quit hurting right away, but it also promotes healing.


Answer #4

Ok thanks, I will try the warm salt water. =)

Answer #5

whish with procside.. its works wonders.. then throw alittle oragel on it.. so it isnt anoying..

Answer #6

Sounds like an apthous ulcer. They are normal and nothing to worry about. They can occur when you jab your toothbrush into your gum when brushing to hard, certain foods (mostly acid foods—tomatoes for example). They are painful but don’t normally last for a few days, but they can be aggravated and last a litlle longer. (Like when you bite your tongue and its already slightly swollen, so it gets bit every time after that it seems) same here, just brush over it gently.

If you notice it not being gone in a week, can see your Dr but you probably won’t even notice its gone until you think about it.

you can use some warm salt water. May sting a little. But, may help. {÷:

Answer #7

twilight mom may be right about the ulcer, but she is definatley wrong about cankerr sores NORMALLY being on the outside of the mouth. They are NORMALLY on the inside. Cold sores NORMALLY are on the outside but can move in. Canker sores are on the tongue or inside of the mouth.

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