Runnig away

My dad is drving me nuts! He follows me every move and he yells at me terably! I hate it so much! I also hate my mom and we get in fights you have no idea! I have to take care of so manny things! Nowone understands me! I cut myself and I’ve been so depressed! I’ve talked to a school councelor but she didn’t seem to care and she raises her voice at me! I’ve had enuff and I want to run away! Im tired of my dad hitting me and always taking disiions ffor me! And my mom never being responsible! I want to be a better pearson and grow up knowing how to control this! But im 14 and everybody tells me that I’m just a kid and I wont be able to do anathing! What do I do

Answer #1

Yes, you are young-but you do have some control in this situation. You can control how you deal with it. Running away would create more problems for you- you would get away temporarily, but what happens when they find you and bring you back and treat you even worse! I wouldnt want to see that happen. Also, whether you are a girl or a boy- there are some really sick people out there- BELIEVE me- men that are looking for a little boy or little girl in a desperate situation to take advantage of. I agree with lodi- CALL CPS. They will investigate- they have to. Keep in mind though- they may place you in a shelter or foster care and sometimes those situations are even worse- just in a different way. I m not saying that to discourage you- I am saying that because I have been in that environment, and I want you to weigh your options. That totally sucks the guidance counselor wasnt supportive. There ARE people out there that would love to help you and listen to you- like smith said- a priest or minister, or do you have a close friend that has a mom or dad you can seek guidance from? This is all very hard -yes BUT its not permanent and you will get through it. Try to get involved with something at school - do things to get your mind off of things and allow you to focus on things that make you feel good.

Answer #2

You’re on the right track, speaking with a councellor, even if they don’t seem to get it. You could try talking to a priest or minister of your church, too. Running away might sound like it would work, as it would get you out of the situation, but the police would be involved, you would be searched for and possibly gain a record through it. Also, you need to consider where you would run to, what you would eat, where live, and so on. Maybe you have a relative like an aunt or uncle or grandparents who could help you. I know that things are really rough now, but people grow, families change, and things can get better. It does take a while, though. I hope this helps you some. Good luck! And I’ll say a prayer for you!

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