Reality unreal?

Learning about Philosophy and Metaphysics are both very big life-long hobbies of myine… and I am very solid in my arguement against the “reality” of the world in general.

I was just wondering… do any of you guys ever feel like life isnt real?…like your so connected to something (reality) that your seeing through it? do you ever get the feeling that life isnt real?…like its an illusion?

Im not going to go into the details and arguements for my claims…I can, however, insure you that they are very valid arguements. I am just simply wondering if you have ever felt this way.

Answer #1

If you’re going to look at the perception on reality you have to start taking a look at psychology and the physiology of the brain too.

Your reality is only how your brain interprets your body’s feedback and you’d be suprised at the strange things your mind will do.

Answer #2

Its a hard one to judge, I see where you are coming from I myself have tried to have a look up and think about things, for example Deja Vu, where you know you have been in that situation before, when a string of events happen to trigger something good or bad its like its planned out rather then lived sometimes, but yeah certainly a good arguement to confuse your head one night lol

Answer #3

I’m disappointed you didn’t include your arguments! I’d be interested in reading your thoughts on this subject. I know what you mean, though. Sometimes I’ll just stop and stare, and it feels like everything I’m seeing right then isn’t real. It just feels like I’m living in a virtual reality or something. Also, what’s up with deja vu? Or crazy/unexplainable coincidences? It all really makes you think.

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