Answer #1

It depends what is meant by prude. Sometimes it isn’t a good thing, because people who are so reserved tend to be very “innocent” as in they aren’t clued up about important issues and they are usually the first ones to end up pregnant…etc etc. becuase they didn’t have enough information to say no…

Answer #2

in the case you’re referring to, I dont think so… he probably just wanted someone who’d sleep with him or whatever… in general though, it has a negative connotation, so it’s probably not a good thing…

Answer #3 just have to make the dicision yourself… I was forced on being depruded by a dare but it wasnt that badd…

“no one is badd..there just different” thats my first boy told me!

Answer #4

no, theres nothing wrong with it theres all kind of people in this world, som willl take there clothes off at the drop of a dollar some will never take there clothes off and show there body to anyone a prude is usually refering to normal people who just dont want to show there body to every random guy that asks them rarely will the person actually be a prude, and never want to show there body to anyone usually its beiceause they dont want to be called a slut, they only show it to there boyfreind/partner, there self conciiouse about there body image…things like that usually when people say a prude its just idiot guys calling girls one because they didnt take there clothes off for them

Answer #5

I didn’t think it was a bad thing until I heard this guy at school ask this chick if her friend was a prude… he was like “if she is then hell no.”

I know what it means, I just want to know if you guys think it’s good or bad.

Answer #6

It’s somebody that doesn’t believe in having sex, like they have high standards or something. It’s kind of used as a insult though.

Answer #7

um well I don’t know it has a good and bad meaning in french I think it means bad but here it means both…I think throughout history, it was usually associated with wisdom, integrity, usefulness, and profit. But I don’t know nowadays

Answer #8

A person who is considered a prude may have reservations about nudity, participating in romantic or sexual activity, drinking alcohol or consuming other drugs, or participating in mischief. I don’t really think it’s a bad thing though.

Answer #9

no it’s a good thing!

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