Prove evolution

As William Paley described in a Teleological Argument for the existence of God, we know that should we come across a watch then there must in fact be a watchmaker. The concept of creationist and evolutionist either way would be hard to understand as creatures who are dictated by time, as well as function. For evolutionist its hard to comprehend the notion that there is a being that is all powerful and able to create a complex system of existence. For creationist it is hard to comprehend that at a complex system of this magnitude happened by chance.

To preach evolution as fact you must be able to provide the answers and lets see if anyone out there can:

Question 1: How do great whales dive to the bottom of the ocean without the pressure causing them to implode?

Question 2: How can a humming bird survive a 500 mile trip over water without food? At a speed of 25 to 35 mph and a heart beat of 615 times a minute they would have to feed every few hours.

Question 3: Assuming that evolution is correct where does the information come from that causes evolution? Mutations can occur but they are only minor, evolution can not explain the radical changes in bone structure.

How can I justify an all powerful being that created all of this in only 6 days? Well the 6 day world is still under debate by Christians, some say to God a day is not mans definition of a day, to others its simply the concept that a God is able to do whatever he wants. Where is God and where is heaven? Consider the other worlds as an intangible place to us, we can not travel there without some divine assistance. Kind of like different realms, stages of reality our world and Gods world are two different places that can not be traveled to the way we think. Like a computer travel doesn’t mean moving over a tangible object from one place to another, it was designed to teleport from one file to another. Now you can see a program on your computer but can you hold it? No because programs like windows is an intangible object, however it is bound by the laws that we have created for it. For example your mouse icon can not travel outside the realm of that program. This is how the concept of God is not so far fetched to believe, its just to creatures that are so focused on the realities of this world. Which is why God said the wisdom of the world is foolishness to God. Now if you are to claim the model of evolution is fact then you should be able to prove it. If you can prove it to me I will let you have the royalties from my book. So what is the proof or am I just to retarded to understand it?

Answer #1

It just bothers me when people say that evolution is a proven fact)

Well… it DOES occur. The first response gives a prime example…

Answer #2

“”It cannot take a handful of dirt… and breathe life into it…

and call it man””

nither can a God

“”The same elements that are found in the dirt…

are found… by scientific evidence… in man.””

even if that were true that would be evidence for evolution

Answer #3

“You can’t 100% prove anything when you get to this subject. It’s a matter of opinion and faith x”

You can’t “100% prove” anything in science, for the reasons I outlined above. It’s not a matter of opinion and faith, it’s a matter of scientific evidence.

Answer #4

Here’s a cool experiment that proves evolution you can perform at home. First, get infected by HIV. Then wait about 10 years until it turns into AIDS. That’s about how long it takes for the virus to evolve via multiple mutations to overcome your specific immune system.

Answer #5

but people dont preach evolution, because its been proved Ha ha, ya right! It’s called the THEORY of evolution for a reason. It is all hypothetical reasoning, you can’t really prove it because we weren’t there to know what was happening. The biggest thing that gets me with evolution is how do you explain how humans went from grunting apes to being able to form speech and put thoughts into words? Where did the sudden thought, ‘Hey! Lets call this a tree?’ Come from when you never would have thought in those terms before. If we were monkeys before we would have thought like monkeys and been animals guided by instinct rather than thought. We wouldn’t have thought in words so why develop speech? And where are the half monkey men now?

Answer #6

But babies are always surrounded by people who speak in words and teach that to their children. If a child actually lived in the forest raised by animals, they wouldn’t speak, they wouldn’t form thoughts the same way we do…(I’m trying to be peacable here and I apolagize for mocking. It just bothers me when people say that evolution is a proven fact) Also, animals may have calls and stuff that they make, but that is all a part of their instinct. It doesn’t explain where humans got this idea of a whole language system from.

Answer #7

Scientific evidence… can only prove what is…

It cannot take a handful of dirt… and breathe life into it…

and call it man.

Scientific evidence… which is a study by man…

can tell you, what is in the man…

and when, this evidence does tell you this…

It only tells you what God has aleady told you in his word…

The same elements that are found in the dirt…

are found… by scientific evidence… in man.

Answer #8

evolution can explain the first 2 as for the third its simply chemical reaction. thoses that wasn’t compadable didn’t make anything

Answer #9

You can’t 100% prove anything when you get to this subject. It’s a matter of opinion and faith x

Answer #10

haha, jester…

Answer #11

yes stevenw1987…

Answer #12

I’m not trying to prove one or the other, but these are things that cause me to accept evolution as truth:

1 - Even today there is evidence of the human race volving. Each generation grows stronger and uses more brain function than previous generations. 2 - Survival of the fittest. Whales can dive deep into the ocean because throughout time, their bodies have adapted to their environment. Those who “mutated” to be able to dive deeper lived longer because they were able to feed off small creatures at the ocean’s bottom. 3 - There is evidence of creatures that existed before man, and there are links proving that some creatures evolved into the creatures of today. 4 - As much as a creationist does not want to accept that all this happened by chance, and everything needs a creator, they still cannot answer, without a doubt, who created God. If all things must be created then God, himself, must have been created. If they choose to believe he was there by chance, then why can the world not happen “by chance”.

Answer #13

well I dont bveleive in your “god” or any other god and I see no reason too, also because there simply is no real proof however all those things can be explained, there not that hard to understand

  1. whales can because they live in the ocean, if they qwere to be put on land, they would die, there bodies are obviously different to ours just as well would die in there habbitat, they would die in ours, they also have giant lungs 2 I’ve never heard of the humminbirt story youve explained, but if it did, then it probably was by chance, either that or it did eat, or it didnt travle that far at all its not only the human body that can withstand a lot, animal bodies can aswell just differently to us
  2. there are no radical changes in bone structure, nothing happens suddenly, nothing just pos up over a small amount of time like a year the changes your thinking about take thousands to millions of years to happen, because over time things evolve to adapt to there surrounding and changing enviroment for example a living bird can fly around take away majority of its predators, put more of its food on the ground and it no longer needs to fly over a few hundred years the species wings will cease to work, because theyve evolved not to need them…theyll still have wings though just wings they cant use then after a few more thousand years, if the species is still alive, over time it will slowly evolve, and will probably not have wings at all, it would become a ground living bird, with no wings still all relatively the same bone structre, but with no wings… radical changes in bone structure like from primates to humans (which is probably what you mean) doesnt just happen overnight, thats what a lot of people dont understand, it takes millions of years for those changes to happen…millions of years but people dont preach evolution, because its been proved not just animals byut humans have evolved, were we evolved from is still uncertain…but thousands of years ago humans couldnt speak multiple launguages, build houses, create technology, ect ove time weve evolved to adapt to out surrounding enviroment, out brains grw bigger, we learnt to use our hands, our muscles became stronger, ect life hasnt always been as its know today 10000 years ago it was a lot different and a lot more prehistoric

if you choose beleive in “god” then your only answer to everything is “god did it”

Answer #14

the truth to science is all around us, whether people choose to see it or not. I will not devote my life to this “great worldwide brainwashing” by organized religion- I will not suppress that which makes me human in the name of a “god” I will allow my own personal sense of “morality” to govern ME, and to guide ME, and my actions. my brain has “evolved” to notice that the notion of divine intervention simply does not ring true. the bibles of the world are HISTORY BOOKS nothing more, nothing less. and I will not buy into the herd mentality put forth by the religious “powers that be” to control me by fear, intimidation via a community, or threat of eternal damnation for simply being HUMAN- I have better use of my time. every time I see one of these questions I reflect to the remembrance of a certain stretch limosine that frequents one of my neighbors houses- with a license plate stating “ pray for us” , and the obvious misuse of funds gathered from a “flock” to flaunt their influence around the neighborhood. that license plate is pretty close to the truth as I see it ( if you do a little bit of rewording”- “PREY ON YOU” is the actual truth. the faith and truth in organized religion is that it seeks “power” and “money” and preys on the “faith” of good intentioned people- therein lies the crime. as far as I am concerned I am happy with the evolution/ natural selection theory, without “religious blinders” or a priest whispering in my ear “evolution is wrong”- the theory makes perfect sense. if your “god” can turn every desert into a lush food bearing landscape tonight, you will probably get my attention as to the credibility of this religious “fanaticism”- but until that happens- I will believe what makes sense.

Answer #15

“Ha ha, ya right! It’s called the THEORY of evolution for a reason. It is all hypothetical reasoning, you can’t really prove it because we weren’t there to know what was happening. “

Rather than mocking, try reading the other responses. The first paragraph of my answer explains the difference between the lay use of the word “theory” and the scientific definition of it. Evolution is a theory - just like relativity, gravitation, quantum physics, and so forth. That doesn’t make them “hypothetical” - it’s just that science accepts that we never know anything for 100% certain - it’s just the best explanation we have so far.

As far as not being able to prove it goes, there is ample evidence for evolution - both contemporary, in the form of evolution of insects, micro-organisms, and other quickly reproducing creatures, and in the fossil record. Evolution describes all of this very well, and unless you can provide actual evidence that it’s wrong, or a competing theory that explains the facts better, it’ll remain the predominant interpretation.

“The biggest thing that gets me with evolution is how do you explain how humans went from grunting apes to being able to form speech and put thoughts into words? Where did the sudden thought, ‘Hey! Lets call this a tree?’ Come from when you never would have thought in those terms before.”

You could ask the same thing about development of infants. They start off with no ability for language, and gradually develop it. For that matter, in the animal kingdom, we see all degrees of development of language, from a fully developed linguistic system in humans, to more primitive communication capabilities in the higher apes and some cetaceans, to basic communication such as warning calls in birds, and the ‘dances’ bees do to communicate.

Answer #16

There’s a lot of debate on how language developed in humans, and I’m not a linguist. It’s pretty clear that it developed in step with our ability for conscious thought. Wikipedia has an excellent article on it:

“It just bothers me when people say that evolution is a proven fact”

Evolution is every bit as reliable as gravitation, or relativity, or quantum physics. Science uses different meanings for ‘theory’ and ‘fact’ than we do in day-to-day conversation.

“Also, animals may have calls and stuff that they make, but that is all a part of their instinct. It doesn’t explain where humans got this idea of a whole language system from.”

It wasn’t a sudden event. There’s no qualitative difference between the more sophisticated communication we see in animals and the more basic human languages. It’s not difficult to see how you could gradually add sophistication and complexity to get what we see today.

Answer #17

First, there’s a fundamental misunderstanding of science here. You don’t conclusively “prove” a theory, as that would imply you would continue to hold it as true even if you later discovered contradictory evidence. You test a theory, and if it consistently makes predictions that turn out to be true - and doesn’t make predictions that are wrong - you assign it credence as a good explanation of how the world works. This is also why evolution is a theory (it makes testable predictions, and is disprovable), and creation/ID isn’t.

I don’t see how the answers to your questions have any bearing on the accuracy of evolution, but anyway:

  1. From Wikipedia’s article on Sperm Whales: “The physiology of the Sperm Whale has several adaptations to cope with drastic changes in pressure when diving. The ribcage is flexible to allow lung collapse, reducing nitrogen intake, and the metabolism can decrease to preserve oxygen supplies. Myoglobin, which stores oxygen in muscle tissue, is much more abundant in Sperm Whales than terrestrial animals. These whales’ blood has a high density of red blood cells, which contain hemoglobin which carries oxygen, and the oxygenated blood can be directed towards the brain and other essential organs only when oxygen levels deplete. The spermaceti organ may also play a role by adjusting bouyancy (see below).

While Sperm Whales are well adapted to diving, repeated dives to great depths do have long term effects on the whales. Skeletons of Sperm Whales show pitting of the bones that is often a sign of decompression sickness in humans. Skeletons of the oldest whales showed the most extensive pitting, whereas skeletons of Sperm Whale calves showed no damage. This damage may indicate that Sperm Whales are susceptible to decompression sickness, and sudden surfacing could be lethal to them.”

  1. Again from Wikipedia: “Studies of hummingbirds’ metabolisms are highly relevant to the question of why a migrating Ruby-throated Hummingbird can cross 800 km (500 miles) of the Gulf of Mexico on a nonstop flight, as field observations suggest it does. This hummingbird, like other birds preparing to migrate, stores up fat to serve as fuel, thereby augmenting its weight by as much as 100 percent and hence increasing the bird’s potential flying time.”

  2. There’s no “Law of conservation of information”. Information doesn’t have to “come from somewhere”.

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