"popular" kids

what do you think bout the so called “popular” kids at your school. I think theyre all annoying as h*ll! I hate pretty much all of them!

Answer #1

Most of mine are orange colour :] I just ignore them usually. They’re not worth my time.

Answer #2

I dont really hate them because I barely even know them but they are REALLY annoying!! I hate it when they act all girly…their sooo preppy…and they always walk (linking arms) with their feet going the same way UGH..and the guy I have a crush on always hangs out with them…I guess it IS pretty much just jealousy for me.

Answer #3

mandyloo it did not! it means that even if they dont hand work in do what theyre told ect they dont get in trouble! its annoying. theyre no better then anyone else so why should they get their way all the time?

Answer #4

I hate them because they think they can do what ever the h*ll they want and no matter what they do they never get in trouble!

Answer #5

UGH! I HATE THE WORD POPULAR!!! I WISH IT NEVER EXISTED!!! The word annoys me sooo much!! I can’t stand it! I just hate it when people call them selves “popular”! THERE IS NO SUCH THING!!! People have changed the meaning over time. It doesn’t mean well known anymore. They think it means that everyone loves you and everyone wants to be friends w/ you! BUT THAT IS NOT THE MEANING!! Everyone HATES the “popular” kids!!! SERIOUSLY DIS-LIKES THEM!! Everyone talks behind their backs, even the closest people to them! It’s just a big circle of tradind boyfriends and girlfriends! IT’S STUPID!!! PEOPLE DON’T UNDERSTAND ANYMORE!!! It’s just gotten out of hand… believe me! I know how you feel! They try and make themselves feel better, by making you feel worse, I say! IGNORE THEM!!! Soon or later, al their stupid mistakes will catch up with them!

Answer #6

have yu ever even talked to them??? cause if yu havent then yu should cause most of the time they are reallly nice, and they are juss like normall pppl. trust me

Answer #7

some popular kids can be okay. for example my best friend that I’ve known since I was two is popular at her school, but is still friends with a total band geek (aka me). of course there can be the messed up ones total idiots who make fun of people who aren’t “cool” . those kids are just freaking loosers.

Answer #8

It sounds more like jealousy than hate. I’m not trying to be rude, but that’s what the explanation sounds like. Just relax, it will all be over one day and you’ll never have to see them again.

Answer #9

Why is that? What’s so bad about them. You’ll realize when your older, that hating the “popular” kids makes no sense and it’s a waste of time.

Answer #10

you know I dont like them..so..

Answer #11

penguin1818 I’ve been through highschool believe me I get it. The reason why I said it sounds like jealousy is because you said they get away with everything and it’s not fair. That scentence is jealousy talking. Why waste your time talking about them. Your giving them what they want ya know.

Answer #12

ugh you dont get what im saying! ever since 6th grade I’ve hated them! whats to be jealous of??? theyre stupid and im just sick of how theyre so mean to everyone because they think theyre better then the rest!

Answer #13

I am ok with any person unless they are annoying or hit some one who does not deserve it

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