How do you know when you have a true period or a pregnancy?

My boyfriend and I had unprotected sex two times in a month, my period was supposed to come on the 23/9/07 but it was late it came on the 27/9/07 but even though it’s here ( I thank everyday that it is) I’m still so worried that I may be pregnant. So I want to know how do u know when u have a “true” period and not just bleeding between a ‘ a may be pregnancy?” I’ve never bloated before when I had my period and I’m bloating now

Answer #1

If you were pregnant then you wouldn’t have had a period. (its rare that periods occur when pregnant but not unknown). Periods don’t always occur every 28 days, they can be early they can be late, even stress and worrying can make them late. If you want to make sure you’ve not pregnant then take a pregnancy test. If you don’t want to get pregnant then use birth control, easy solution.

Answer #2

yahhh like if it came you not pregnant i swear…if your still concerned see a doc.

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