How come it is "What I say goes"? when it comes to parents?

How come is it “What I say goes” even if it’s the wrong choice? I simply get in trouble for not picking a shirt off the floor. Or one day forgetting to make my bed. I apparently also “Take things for granted” Because they gave me 300 bucks on a Washington DC trip and I brought back $170. I offered to pay them back and they refused. Seems like what ever I do I get in trouble.

Why are parents like this?

Answer #1

‘what I say goes’ - I REALLY don’t agree with this. my mum ALWAYS used to say ‘no’ and I’d be like ‘why’? she’d just say ‘no is an answer as well as yes’ (god how damn annoying!!!)

so I swore that I would NEVER do that, it wasn’t a concious decision..but I don’t do it. if I need to say no, which is rare, I tell him WHY…that’s really important I think. but normally I say, ‘well you can IF YOU want to, but this will be the consequences if you do…so it’s YOUR choice’ normally, I’ll explain it so ligically, HE decides not to do something..

but you not picking clothes up making bed etc is more about frustration, if your mums anything like me, she tried to keep the house tidy and I have to keep 9 rooms tidy, the other two (their rooms) should be maintained by them, and I feel it’s not too much to ask just to put something in the laundry basket…or just pull the duvet up the bed… so I get annoyed that I am expected to keep the whole house tidy, and they seem to struglle with keeping their area tidy…I appreciate it is their bedrooms and it’s their space…but it’s in MY house…it’s their home, but my house (does that make sense?) in other words…when people come round their rooms are a reflection on the respect they have for their home…

and they were upset that you didn’t spend all the money? it’s one of two things, one that expected you to go there and have lots of frivelus fun spending money on whatever you wanted, but you didn’t you held back…or two) I don’t know…you need to ask them. I suspect that their anger at the money was just something that could use to be annoyed for some reason.

all parents are very very different, and more than just being parents, they are individual people…and they’re not people you know as well as you think you do…yes you’ve known them since you were an egg…but you never knew them when they were young… my children have NO idea of the person I used to be, the person who has made me the person I am today…and they NEVER see me like my uni friends see me, or my work friends see me, or my going out friends see me…they only know one part of me…likeyou only really know one part of your parents…

why’s this relevant? becuase your parents have their own reasons for doing and saying what they did…all you can do is help around the house and say thanks occasionally… honestly, think about the last time you said ‘thank you’ and really meant it, or ‘sorry’. I say thank you and sorry to my mum (I find both very hard to do for some reason!) but when I do it, I know my mum feels I have appreciated something she has done for me…

there’s no manual with being a parent, you have to wing it the whole way…and we don’t always get it right…so forgive us…I always say to my eldest he’s my little guinea pig… I won’t always get it right, but what I say or think at the time seemed right then, even though in hidsight it may be wrong…but mums should say sorry too…funny, I have no peoblem saying sorry to them…

Answer #2

I know EXACTLY how you feel.

my parents are the same way, even tho I dont live with both of em. my dad tells me to something, and I try to calmly correct him (like if he’s wrong) and he’s like dont question me, just do it! and I’m like o.0 and I do it and when it comes up that he was wrong (like some adult or someone older than me tells him), he’s like oh, even when I tried to tell him before.

my mom…all I can say is that we love each other very much, but we are constantly going at it. just me and her, not her and one of my brothers, probably cause I try to “talk back” (I call it asserting myself respectfully or stating my opinion).

long, painful stories, lol…

Answer #3

I think they think they know it all just because their older

Answer #4

To whoever said that “Parents think they know it all just because they’re older”, really needs to think about what you’re saying. Parents know a lot more than you do because they were children and teenagers and young adults. They’ve been there and a lot of them have had the same experiences that you have had, so yes they do know more because they are older.

As for the question though, I remember my mom and dad saying the same kind of things to me and now I do it to my kids (even though I try hard not to). Listen to what Sooitca says, everything that she is telling you is true. I also (if I make a mistake) tell my children I’m sorry, but I also expect them to respect me enough to do the same. As for cleaning up and making your bed and that kind of stuff, how hard is it to remember? Your mom and dad have to clean up after themselves everyday with no one else to rely on to do it. As I tell my 6 year old everyday, “I don’t play with your toys nor make the mess why should I be the one to clean it up?” I don’t expect my kids to clean up after me, make my bed, put my dishes in the sink, put my shoes away, you get the idea? Try to take it easy on them, they do love you and a lot of what they are doing is to teach you to take care of yourself in the “real” world.

And I really have to say that I don’t care how “smart” my child is, I’m still their parent. And being book smart is totally different from being world smart.

Answer #5

I’m 24 and a mother of 2 little boys…and I can tell you from personal experience. Picking up your things, chores, good grades, curfews, good manners…all of those things your parent insist on you doing is because they love you endlessly! they are teaching you. because parents feel that however their children turn out is a reflection of how they raised you. so if you don’t do your chores, you get bad grades in school, you have bad manners, they feel it’s a reflection of how they taught you to be! But if you’re responsible and trustworthy, you do well in school, you make good decisions then they know they’re doing their job as your parent right! try to see it from their point of view…they love you and they want you to be the best person you can be

Answer #6

your not the only 1 in this predicament, it happens to a lot of people. my parents stopped doing that to me like 3 years ago when they realized the my IQ was higher average and everything I said just happened to be right. they are your parents and your just going to have to live with it=)

Answer #7

Simply doing their best to mold you into a responsible, loving, well-rounded person - could be worse, many don’t Care - be Thankful.

Answer #8

I assume so. Yet that doesn’t really answer my question.

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