Off the pill - now periods are 2 days?

If I accidentally posted this somewhere else, sorry about that - I’m new here. :)

Anyway, my question is this:

I was on the pill for around 4 or so years… my period lasted around 4-5 days. As of December of ‘07, I found out I medically (Basilar Migraine) can NOT be on the pill, or ANY form of hormone birth control, except, of course, condoms or the IUD - I’ve had an IUD around 4 or so years ago, and the monthly pain was UNBEARABLE. I had it removed after around 7 months… I have never had a child before - and I later learned, after it was put in, that it’s less painful if you’ve had a kid. Doh! Needless to say, I don’t see that gyno any longer!

Well, since then - my husband and I have been using condoms, or - very rarely - the pull out method.

*Here’s the question - since being OFF of my pills (ended in Dec), my periods are still regular, bad cramps - but now - they only last TWO days! Seriously - WTH?

I’ve even taken a pregnancy test, a few months ago - negative. I actually DO want a baby, but I was just wondering if anyone on here might have some insight about the time length of my period changing so much!

*Another question: to be at my most fertile - since I start on the 15th, would I want to have sex 10 days after I START my period, or when it ends?


Answer #1

Woah that’s weird!!! Have you tried tlkin to your obgyn doctor?!?! It only lasts 2days!!! Thatz actually WAY convenient in mi opinion but you never no if thebes a reason behinds it so I would Tlk to a doctor.Btw mi friend gets hers for like 4days to so maybe its not that uncommon! Hope I helped=] Good luck!

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