Nervous dog

We have had our rescue weimeraner for 3 weeks. she came to us very scared of people. how can you help ease this dog’s fear?

Answer #1

My cat was exactly like that, I just let her be, eventually she got over it (took a year), now she harasses me in the middle of the night because she wants to sleep on my stomach…

But basically slow movements (nothing sudden), no loud noises, and just try and be around and show her you mean no harm…

Answer #2

Ditto to magic…

The walking her everyday instills trust and respect…make sure she walks beside you, and not ahead…DON’T BABY HER…at least, not in a human to human way (like cooing, or saying “pooorrr baby”), but by doing what is best for her…ie: the walking…learning obedience…this instills confidence in a shy, fearful dog…gentle, easy going up-beat training…When she “gets” something, like sitting on command, then that can be a fall back command…something you know she can do, so there is lots of positive feedback for her…Dogs really like doing things right…they do!!


Answer #3

Time and love she has to learn to trust you. Let her lay with you on the couch, while you watch TV. Keep her with you at all times (unless) you can’t at work. But as soon as you get home she is with you.

Keep her crate in your bedroom when you go to sleep, to help her bond with you. Give her something with your scent on it that she can sleep with.

Give her little treats off and on through the day. Give her a bisquit a couple times a day. Treat her like a lover. Lots of love pats, hugs and smiles, gifts of toys and bisquits, dates to the park and play and walk her every day. This dog will be so in love with you in no time.

Keep her on a leash and keep her with you until you go to bed.

Show her she is your dog and you her person. Woe her. Wake up thinking of something special you can do with her or for her that day.

She will be your dog always

Answer #4

Pay attention to her and play with her and keep her next to you and she will bond with you.:)

Answer #5

Shes might just be scared of people if she barks at people get a water shooter and shoot some water at her but not a lot

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