My 6mth old does not take bottle & doesnt sleep thru out the night.

Hi!! My baby is 6 mth old and doesnt take bottle atall,I have been trying since 2 mths now I also tried sippy cup he doesnt take that too,instead just keeps on bitting it since he is teething and has go 3 tooth when I feed him his cereal or formula thru spoon he keeps on screaming and with great difficulty I feed him.he is breast fed so thru out the night he wakes up every 45 minutes to feed because of this I havent slept since last 3mths thru out the night.I just cant understand what do I try to calm him and start feeding thru bottle and sleep thru the night a lil longer.pls help

Answer #1

Have you tried giving him childrens motrin? And try getting the pedyialite freezes maybe that will help his mouth some and keep him hydrated.

Answer #2

have you tried switching the formula? or bottle? you call your pediatrician I actually would do that because he needs to be eating. If he’s 6 months then he can try solids. He might just not be getting enough to eat so he wont sleep through the night my son did that so I would nurse him and give him baby food so his tummy was full and he slept like he should like a baby!

also get him teether tablets those worked wonders for me my son would wake up screaming I would give him 2 and he was out I still use them and they still work he’s now 19 months old. Your baby could also have a lot of gas that causes discomfort try using mylecon drops works instantly ! good luck !

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