Should my Mom be able to control my earrings?

do you think my mom can control what type of earings go in my ears? I gauged my ears (10) and my mom is haveing a cow about it.. she wont let me die my hair black or any dark color for that matter and she wont let me get it cut the why I want it! is that to over ther top?

Answer #1

It’s not over the top - she’s doing what a parent should do - the best she can in looking after your best interests - when you’re older it’ll be your choice - in the meantime, be thankful you have a Mom who Cares - many don’t !!…Take care !!

Answer #2

Just talk like to your mum about in more detail. Like with dying hair just keep gradually dying dark then she won’t notice ;L And like with the strethcing just tell her what you actually have to do

Answer #3

u re 15 .. I think she has the right to decide !!?? depends if she can trust you .. have you done things without asking her opinion before?? if yes than she does

Answer #4

for u!! your mom is doin good!!! please im sure everyone would be having a cow. Dying your hair can give you cancer make you die or make you bald. I think the way you r is fine. So wait till your older I guess or never.

Answer #5

She is just being protective because she loves you. She probably feels that her little girl is growing up too fast. When you were young she would have chosen your clothes for you and now you choose your own =] Its little things like that she is going to find hard to let go, letting you become your own individual self. Try talking to her about it, tell her what you feel.. and give reasons why. Show her that you are mature enough to look how you want.

Answer #6

most likely you wont get cancer f/that. but I think you should like urself the way you r. if you want 2 it really is up 2 your mom because you r not 18…

Answer #7

Yeah, I spent my teens being told ‘you can wait until you’re 16 (or18) before you do that’. So by the time I got to that age, sometimes I went straight ahead and did what I’d always wanted, but there were other things I didn’t do because they seemed pointless by then. So having to wait until I was older didn’t really do me any harm.

If you show your mom that you’re mature for your age and able to make sensible decisions, she’s more likely to give you chances to make up your own mind on some things. But she still has the last word at the moment!

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