How to minimize tooth sensitivity from a chipped tooth...?

nobody can even notice my tooth is chipped so why does it hurt like it was damaged badly?The dentist didn’t even notice..and now im panicking..since i don’t go to the dentist for another 9 days..and we can’t move the appt up probably because of the holidays and like really worried.Can i take motrin or something to help it?

Answer #1

Yes motrin, tylonol, try some orajel, that’s all I know

Answer #2


Answer #3

orajel, tylonol,motrin.

Answer #4

Vodka. Not kidding, rub it on ur gums. or just pound it.

Answer #5

Try brushing with Sensodyne Toothpaste :

– Majikthise.

Answer #6

Also if the pain is severe, it can be relieved with paracetamol tablets, or by applying a drop of “Clove Oil”.

Answer #7

sensodyne is a new toothpaste aimed at helping to releive tooth sensitivity

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