mentally and emontially!!!

I know this guy and we talk all night every night we both really like each other but were not together yet my brothe was talkin to him on the phone last night and he asked him when we do go out mabey after a few months would he want to have sex with me and he said yep and my bro was like ok but be prected make sure shes physically, mentally, and emontinally ready for it and know what you will do if something happens and I get pregnant them make sure I wont regret losing my verignaty the guy I like is not a vergin I am but im confused how do I get mentally and emontially ready for sex please help me

Answer #1

When you get older Hun! You are wayy too young to be even thinking about having sex. More importantly, dont lose your virginity SO carelessly. Your not even dating this boy and hes talking about sex already. Thats not a good sign! In your case…I would be MORE concerned about my spelling!!

Answer #2

well iight do you think that your ready to loose your virginity? do you think that your ready to have sex with the consequences such as having a baby or getting an std? lets just say if this guy only wants you for sex, whould you b able to forgive him and acepting the fact that you were being used? im not trying to scare you these are juss some questions that you should think about before having sex with him…lokk sweetness all I am saying is that dont do something your going to regret cause there are no second chances in life

Answer #3

Just be ready for it and dont be making any mistakes, msg me for any other questions. =]

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