McCain should have won the election

Who thinks that sen. John McCain should have became the president?Oh yeah if there are any deuch bags who voted for Obama DO’NT ANSWER THIS question!!!

Answer #1

I believe he would have been far better for America - we’ll now see what brand of ‘Change’ Obama brings - positive or negative.

Answer #2


I went to junior college. I know how to spell. although…I was 16 when I went there…

anyways…I voted for mccain…he lost…I got over it. I think obama will do a find job running the country.

get over it, people.

Answer #3

I think you’re fighting a losing battle here… expecting a 21 year old who cant spell “entitled” “assassin” “quoting” (one can only assume she meant quoting when she said quiting) “entirely” “especially” “inhumane” “expect” “instead” (and yet claims to be in college) to comprehend anything you just said…

Answer #4


Answer #5

“who has family, related to our enimies.”

Your lack of knowledge must be a result of… a) lack of education b) a botched lobotomy c) hours spent listening to FOX NEWS d) all of the above

please purchase a clue and a dictionary … “enimies”

Answer #6

So dont give me this there is no talking about history now, when all the democrates can say is that slavery was (key word was) a big part in American history.

…really? That’s ALL they can say, huh?

plus how can we truly trust someone who has family, related to our enimies.

…related how?

Answer #7

playing tiny violin

McCain would have been a better direction, the direction this world is heading in was mentioned in the bible. Many would pass it as a mere coincidence but in order for prophecy to take effect Obama had to be elected.

So… you voted for Obama then?

Answer #8

“Just goes to show people are selfish in this world”

How was voting for Obama being selfish, and voting for McCain isn’t?

Answer #9

And calling people “douche bags” just because they disagree with you isn’t going to help you win any friends

Answer #10

I voted for McCaine all the way, it was a sad day when Obama was elected. Just goes to show people are selfish in this world, that or didnt truly understand what was going on in the election

Answer #11

McCain would have been a better direction, the direction this world is heading in was mentioned in the bible. Many would pass it as a mere coincidence but in order for prophecy to take effect Obama had to be elected.

Answer #12

ok how about you dont tell people not to answer something on a public site… if you wanted people to agree with you go to a republican site… you’ll make more friends there lelie… “As far as I can tell, we’re going to be back in the Clinton years.” - oh yeah that would be awful, why on earth would the US want economic growth, an actual surplus (vs a debt clock that had to be taken down because there werent enough zeros on it) and actual progress and relative peace, there’s brain washing, and then well what can I say… courages - please learn to spell or use spell check, it may actually lead to people taking you seriously

Answer #13

I am intitled to my own opinion and do not appreciate you quiting what I said when you know nothing of me, so keep it to yourself.


You are entitled to your opinion, no matter how mis-informed and/or stupid it is.

And I… am entitled to point that out…

If your only defense for having an ignorant opinion, is ‘’you don’t know me’’ …that only invalidates your opinion FURTHER, and shows that you are unable to defend it. THAT is the impression you convey, and THAT is how you will be perceived; until you DARE to say something even remotely educated…

Answer #14

I voted for MCcain and thought he should’ve won the election. He would’ve been better then Obama by far. That includes having Cindi MCcain as first lady instead of Michelle Obama. I was disappointed MCcain didn’t win. I’m also disappointed Sarah Palin couldn’t win either as VP. But yeah, I thought MCcain should’ve won and this country would’ve been better off. Oh well, we’ll have to deal with an Obama and Biden adminastration. As far as I can tell, we’re going to be back in the Clinton years.

Answer #15

This question illuminates why the Republicans lost… It has been weeks since the election and they are still looking backwards…

We needed a President that had the progressive insight and intelligence to lead this country into the future, not one that voted with the old administration 90% of the time and didn’t know how to use a computer.

Thank goodness Obama won.

Answer #16


…it could be JUNIOR college…

Answer #17

You’re ignorance is far more insulting & embarassing than your juvenile name-calling…

Answer #18


Answer #19

ANBODY who read this I am sorry if douch bag offends you seriously very very sorry!

Answer #20

Guys… McCain LOST…

Build a bridge and get over it already…

Answer #21

Since he’s already elected, why not give Obama a chance? No use talking about history now

Answer #22

you aren’t even old enough to vote…

Answer #23

Barack Obama 2008-2016

Answer #24

courages, are you really trying to compare discussing slavery, and discussing McCain’s failed presidential campaign?

One is a tragic period in our history, and the other is a meaningless blip on the radar of presidential losers. Should we be looking back at michael dukakis in the same way we do slavery?

You are being completely ridiculous.

Answer #25

leevan you say there is no since talking about history now, when in fact this is still a current event. So dont give me this there is no talking about history now, when all the democrates can say is that slavery was (key word was) a big part in American history. That is history seriously. We all need to get over it all the people who did it to the slaves and all the slave that it was done to are dead and gone. We need to start fresh with how the world is today. There are no slaves anymore, all colors have a general understanding and respect toward each other. The people living today have different ways of thinking as those during the slavery days. We are now an antislavery country and will continue to be that way. Obama was not the correct choice, plus how can we truly trust someone who has family, related to our enimies. They have different morals and customs in which they believe. But I am not going to be mean everyone is intitled to their own opinion it is a free country. This country being free was made long ago, by those people who did live during slavery. So I say we all set down and start over with our new morals. GO MCCAIN

Answer #26

Okay everyone is intitled to their own opinion and their is no need to bach each other. And for captainassasian, the reason I even responded was because I was being attacked. I am intitled to my own opinion and do not appreciate you quiting what I said when you know nothing of me, so keep it to yourself. And yes most people talk about slavery because it was an important part in history, I stand intirely correct when I say that. I also stand correct that whe and I say that all they can say is that was a big part in history, because know one truly knows what went own, exspecially in the south were it was said to be the worst. All we have is stories and interpreted information. There is no one actually living today to tell us and even if there was, yet again it would just be a story. Now dont get me wrong I am not saying that this stuff didnt go on, I for one believe it did, in fact that is what I am studying in college right now. I also believe that if everything said to have happened did, then it was cruel and inhuman and no human bein of any race deserves to be treated in the way that the slaves were treated. But I just dont want to be told this election is history, when it will be talked about for years. And currently it is still a current event and what else do you espect of course it will be talke about. Think about it if McCain would have one, everyone would still be talking about in fact you would probably be in my position insteed. So get over your self type in your comments, about how you feel and dont attack other for their opinion again. And like blondesarecute417 said dont answer this if you are not for McCain, they asked a simple ? who was for McCain

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