What are the chances of me being pregnant?

If I had my period 14 days ago and I had sex yesterday and my boyfriend cumed in me. What are the chances of me being pregnant?

Answer #1

Show me videos of you and your boyfriend cause it depends my email is NathanielMarch@ymail.com

Answer #2

Very likely. It doesn’t matter how long ago you had your last period. Sperm is already beginning the fertilization process 80 seconds after he cums inside you.

You should go to your doctor if you begin to develop symptoms.

Answer #3

Lol, very likely, normally but not always women ovulate about 14 days after their said period, however if your period isn’t normal, it may be a little off. You can’t take a pregnancy test yet though so I would just wait and see if you develop symptoms and if you miss your next period. If you’re trying to avoid getting pregnant…which I dont know how old you are but if you’re young I hope you are…get on birth control and use condoms.

Answer #4

Uhm 99.9%? where did you pull that statistic from?

The one time chance of getting pregnant is less than 5%. However, since about 14 days after your period is when you ovulate, chances may be slightly higher. Stop playing russian roulette with your life

Answer #5

very likely anytime you have sex you may get pregnant and hello 14 days ago your body has already began the cycle again. dont be irresponsibe and dumb. do you want a baby. if you dont then use a damn condem. dont ruin your life and the life of an innocent child because you adn your boyfriend are lazy

Answer #6

You can get pregnant any day of the month even when your on your period so my best guess its that the chances are 99.9% that your pregnant.

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