Is the cat a bad thing???

I know this sounds stupid asking but I really need some help. Im about 8 weeks pregnant. Me and my fiance have had a cat since last december. Is the cat going to be bad for the baby?

Answer #1

CONGRATULATIONS!! Pregnant women should not clean litter boxes or handle used litter (see Babylove138). But it’s an old wives tale that cats smother babies. They can be attracted by the scent of formula, and they might scratch the baby if startled or scared, so it’s not a bad idea to keep them under a watchful eye while the baby is real young.

Answer #2

Cats don’t need to be dewormed on a regular basis. Our hopital does a yearly stool check along with there wellness exam and vaccines. If the stool check comes back negative there is nothing you need to do, This should not change even when you are expecting.

Answer #3

Cat feces can contain a parasite called Toxoplasma Gondi. If you happen to catch it it can be detrimental to the baby. Heres a good article

Answer #4

well my parents had a cat and when I was born they gave it away they were afraid that the cat would get jealous

and yea congradulations

Answer #5

No as long as you dont let the cat sleep with the baby. theres a chance the cat can smother it. other than that a cat is harmless. make sure YOU arent around the litter box changing it or touching etc. while your pregnant

Answer #6

I have 12 grandkids, and raised 4 kids…and there are cats in every house. Pregnant women must not clean the litter box… husband does that…to avoid a very bad parasite …and the cat should be wormed and treated for fleas on a regular basis, and made to stay away from the baby till baby is a toddler. …but they can both live happily in your home, and kitty might save baby from horrible mouse germs, or rat bites, by keeping vermin away !

Also children who live with animals are less likely to have asthma.

Answer #7

Normally cats will “smother” a newborn because of the smell of milk on their breath…they’re not trying to “get rid of the baby”…they just want a drink. I have 3 cats and had them all through all 3 of my pregnancies…never once did any of the cats try to harm my babies. As everyone else has said stay away from the litter box. Just keep an eye on your cat…trust your instincts…when the time comes you’ll know what to do.

Answer #8

Ditto…don’t clean the litter box…That is the only danger in having a cat…


Answer #9

Thanks 2 everyone!!! All your answers were helpful!


Answer #10

just make sure they don’t have contact until the baby is older but if its a sweet cat or its old don’t worry. but if your cat gets jealous easily you have a problem!

Answer #11

thanks babylove138 I was trying to remember that thing called “toxoplasmosis” which can be dangerous to pregnant woman and the infant and iceorfire congrats on the baby… maybe ask your vet about specific precautions to take, but there is no reason the cat shouldn’t appreciate this addition to IT’S family tee hee

Answer #12

If you are worried about all the stories about catching something, the only thing you have to do is give someone else the job of cleaning the litter box. Other then that you can hold, love, and kiss your cat. Once the baby is here, well only you can make that choice on how much trouble the cat may be. but do all research before you make a choice you might regret.

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