Is it what all girl teens go through?

Hi I’m 14 and I am extremely…self conciouse and shy. I have constant arguments with my mom. My real question is, Why cant I ecxept myself? like, I look in the mirror and think: wtf?…this isnt my face! its chubby here and my lips are all big and puffy looking and my cheeks look gimungo!;…And in the night like right before I go to bed: Hey im f’in hot! my face isnt fat and I love my eyes and skinny narow jaw line…

So is this just my hormones because I was thinking that maby my hormones go away at a certian time of day and then come back at another time of day? Its hard to live with this disorder that I have right now and I want it to end..:(…is their any cure/drug/medication? this is pissing me off:( :( :( :(

Answer #1

no actualy the opposite!! I was refering to the uglyness of the face

Answer #2

:) thanks guys

Answer #3

and night:

Answer #4

like this is what I c myself in the morning:

Answer #5

You sound like your average teenager. It’s normal things that every teen goes through - bad body image, moodiness, fights with the parents, etc.

There is no cure to being a teen - you just have to live through it and keep your head up.

Answer #6

You see yourself as anorexic? That picture is of a very sick woman who has a disease and it’s quite disturbing.

Answer #7

Its normal to have low self confidence when you are younger - you have a lot of changes that you are going through and it’s a awkward stage in any young woman’s life. Just give it time.

Answer #8

I was very very shy when I was your age. I mean I could barely talk to people or make eye contact, and I hated the way that I looked. I would spend hours in the mirror trying to ‘fix’ what I thought were problems and was always grumpy with my mum cause she wouldnt let me have any makeup or ‘cool’ clothes. As I grew up I slowly grew out of it. The older you get, the more comfortable you become with yourself. I am very outgoing and getting more confident even now, at 23. But that advice doesnt help you right here right now. There is actually a condition called Body Dysmorphic Disorder that is more serious than just going through puberty blues. Check out the link to see if it applies to you and if you need further help.

Answer #9

I am going through the same thing, but the problem is that I am tall and skinny, and everybody always calls me anorexic. but im not and I havent had a boyfriend in 2 years. I guess I just have to deal with it, so that means that youll just have to deal with it. :)

Answer #10

youll get over it..its called puberty.! hahah theres no cure. its normal. moodiness, shyness,self conciousness, and all.

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