Is he playing me?

I don’t know, I just don’t get it. Me and this kid have been talking and hung out a few times..I’m really feeling him but it sucks because I’m moving in a few weeks but if he really liked me we’d make the best out of it for the meantime I’m here….. and keep in touch when I leave. But I never really got an answer..I mean he said he doesn’t wanna hurt eachother and I understand that, but he also says when you come back..we will be together..and I don’t know when I will be back..IS HE JUST SAYING THAT TO ACT LIKE HE CARES IN THE MEANTINE SO HE CAN “ GET SOME “ ??? And the last we days he’s been talking to girls..yeah I’m kinda jealous I’ll admit because it’s like WHAT’S GOIN ON!? don’t you know I exist…..and yesterday I saw him talk to this chick and from a far distance I could see her put his arm around him or something! so I went up to him and said I needed to talk to him and a few mins later I walked out of class and he was there and he was like mandy and I said “ stop playing with me..” and he just kinda I don’t know stood there smiling..I DON’T KNOW! and he texted me later saying mandy..”I’m sorry about today”..Blah blah what the hell is that!?! I didn’t text back then..but later I called him 2 times ..he didn’t pick up and I see him at school and we just say hi and I texted him but he never texts back..WHAT THE HELL ?!? SOMEONE GIVE ME A GOOD EXPLANATION FOR THIS….

I don’t want to call him and shit really.. which then makes me “seem” obbessive and they say if you back off some guys will just come after you..which sometimes itsn’t true..ugh

Answer #1

Guys suck… it doesn’t sound right to me… but its always hard to tell what guys are doing …

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