Is having a late period common?

My period is now a week late. yes I did have sex once but we used a condom that didnt break and he also did not come inside me. I’ve been under stress but after I found out my period didnt come. my boobs kind of hurt and I know thats a sign of pregnacy but ALSO a sign of getting your period. do a lot of girls get their periods late?

Answer #1

sometimes having sex can push back your period a few days, even up to a week.

Answer #2

im guessing you period is usually regular then in this case, not really however, stress can put off your period from comming whicgh can make it come later on or you can miss it altogether so as well as the small posibility of being pregnant (because even with condoms your only 98% safe, and thats if used correctly) stress is also something that cann put it off as can an eating disorder or not eating, exerscising a lot most liekly its just stress and it should returbnne like normal next week if your not pregnant but just to be sure, take a pregnancy test 3-4 weeks after your had sex in the morning with your first pee is the best time

Answer #3

its normal to have irregular periods… I get em all the time especially when I stress…

Answer #4

I Findd Stress Useally Makes It Comee On Soonerr Butt Eyy We Are All Diffrentt Soo Stopp Worrienn Take A Test Just As A Precation And If Yourr Not Pregnant And your Period Dont Come Check With Yourr GP x

Answer #5

Its quite common to have irregular periods unless you’re pregnant. I’d get a pregnancy test done also to be on the safe side. If it comes out negative, then you’re stressed out. I sometimes get irregular periods from stress and anxiety so, its normal but yet, everyone is different. If you’re feeling anything like tenderness or any other symptoms, see your doctor and be sure to take a pregnancy test to be safe then sorry. Again, if its negative, then I wouldn’t worry unless you could wait another week and see what happens. If your period comes, then that’s a good sign, if not, then that’s either from stress as I mentioned, or pregnancy. Good luck and I hope you can see your doctor if pregnancy is the case.

Answer #6

I can’t help but laugh, but sex will not push your period back a few days, or a week.

If you are a week late, I have to concur with inreality…get a test.

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