Im 14 and possibly pregnant

I had unprotected sex then two days lather I took a test and it said positive. I dunno if that was too early to take the test or not. what are signs of pregnancy?

Answer #1

That was a little stupid of you to do that.

Answer #2

yes that is waaayyy too early to find out … wait like 2 weeks after and youll get your true reading. you wont start to see anything different for another 2 weeks as well. some signs are mood swings, swollen breasts, weird cravings, morning sickness… they vary for everyone. I would take the test and then go to the doctor to be sure. hope I helped and fun mail me for more advice ~kaitlyn~

Answer #3

I think the better question is why are you having sex at 14 not in love or not married

Answer #4

Go to Planned Parenthood about one week after the time when you should have had your period. The testing is FREE and CONFIDENTIAL. And they will give you unbiased counselling afterwards.

Find the number in your phone book.

Good Luck!!

Answer #5

It’s too early to take a test. Wait a month for your period then if it doesn’t come buy another pregnancy test.

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