If you don't believe in God..

I was reading through some of the questions earlier, and it just came to me out of curiosity. I am by no means trying to disrespect anyone or question anyones beliefs, we are all entitled to believe in whatever. Please be honest with this question. In the extreme lows in your life if you had no one to turn to not even a friend, how do you overcome this extreme hard situation? As a follower of Christ I cling to Him because,through faith I know that He is there for me. So I don’t ever question that part of my life. But you as a none believer how do you, or who do seek for help, and please don;t tell me you never need anyone to give you a word of encouragement.

Answer #1

I’m a Deist.


  One who believes in the existence of a God, but denies revealed religion; a freethinker.  

de·ism (de’iz’?m, da’-) n.

The belief, based solely on reason, in a God who created the universe and then abandoned it, assuming no control over life, exerting no influence on natural phenomena, and giving no supernatural revelation.

I also believe in reincarnation so that gives me strength.

  “God and Reincarnation?”

  I believe that God is a Creative Entity, Energy or Force that is found in a state of awareness outside of the universe and time.

I believe that God chose to morph part of Itself into minute particles of Itself described as entities or spirits and gave them the purpose to go forth and experience, gain knowledge and eventually return into the Oneness of God.

I believe that those collective entities created the universe and, utilizing evolution as a tool, created that that is life so that they could inhabit various bodies in order to gain experience and knowledge.

Prior to incarnating into a physical body the entity chooses what it wants to accomplish and what the probable circumstances involving that body and its environment will be. When the situation is right the entity then begins to dwell within the physical body, probably around the time of its birth.

When the body dies the entity dwells in a state of awareness where it can see whether it met its goals and what gains and losses it may have attached to its being. It then, again, decides what future goals it wants to achieve and reincarnates when the conditions are appropriate.

Ultimately, after incarnating as many times as necessary to attain its goals, the entity gravitates back into the Oneness of God adding to the fulfillment thereof.

I choose

I chose to be born, to live or die, Even the sex, that would be I; I chose the race, from which to appear, Also my wealth, my health and my fear.

I chose my trials and stumbling blocks, And the legs I would use, in all of those walks; I chose my sadness, my joy and my love, I chose to serve and not be above.

I chose this life with all of its dues, And with each dawn, again I choose; The experiences for me that wait ahead, To be alive, or be claimed dead.

And of the future lives I’ve yet, It is my choice that I begat; All the things, however pleasin’, That shall befall me in those seasons.

The above is my opinion which is expounded upon in my treatise A Search For Truth:


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From my chosen path I stray, Yet my God any’er turns away; For I have learned – and understand, That where God is – is where I am!

Answer #2

My friends are my family to me and I can see them when I ask for guidence which helps.

Answer #3

I grew up a jew and like mjax1979, I am much more at peace now that I don’t try to follow any teachings than I ever was. relying on myself and my family in times of need is more comforting than waiting for “something” or “some being” to help. the guilt and weakness that is part of “belief in a higher being” is just not for me.

Answer #4

lol, good question, actually nowhere and life pretty much sucked… But still can’t believe in a God that lets kids starve or natural disasters kill hundreds of thousands of people…

Answer #5

Being a recovering catholic, I can honestly say that even when I practiced, I never turned to god or prayer during bad times. I thankfully had plenty of family and friends around too. I honestly think there are very few people who are that alone in life that they have no one to turn to during hard times. No offense, but a question like this is what get many atheists back up. It is a bit arrogant and condescending to assume that those with belief in dieties somehow are more able to cope with tragedy than non-believers. Maybe it is the non-believer who is stronger during hard times because he has faith in himself (and family a friends if he is lucky), and not in something as unknowable as a diety.

Answer #6

I don’t find this question offensive though I see how some could. I also didn’t fully read the part about not having anyone to turn to.

I’ve had only a couple of times where I felt no one in the world cared about me and that was extremely tough. In both of those cases, I was still a believer but my prayers never seemed to reach anyone. There was no comfort and no strength there for me from any divine source. So I ended up finding it in myself. That was hell on earth for me but it did make me a stronger and more compassionate person.

Answer #7

I think that not believing in god gives me independence… and in times of not having anyone but myself, I come to the realization that yeah, maybe I am alone… but I sure as he*l am going to get through this even if it sucks huge c0ck… so, really I am never very low because I always know that I have something to look forward to when I get out of whatever bad situation I may be in… and if positive thinking doesn’t help, I write or draw. It is as simple as that, I do not need a god to lean on as a support system.

Answer #8

There have been lots of times I’ve needed encouragement and one was just last night. I felt like the whole world was caving in on me and I knew I couldn’t handle things alone. I turned to my husband for support and he was there. I’m very fortunate to have good family and friends who care for me and will be there for me. I trust in them to help me through the hard times.

Answer #9

* “In the extreme lows in your life if you had no one to turn to not even a friend, how do you overcome this extreme hard situation?”

I’ve had plenty of hard situations, but I’ve always had friends and family to help me through it, so I really don’t know how I would react. If I found myself in a situation like that, I imagine I would just be miserable.

So, how do you react when you’re in need, and all you get from your Christian friends is “we’re praying for you”, with no offers to provide any useful help?

Answer #10

I think it is part of Christian teaching that we are weak and need God to get us through life’s hard parts. While prayer no doubt is a comfort for believers I don’t think it is what gets people through difficulties. We get through hard times by the strength of our character and resolve. Atheists do not expect a world to be just or fair; we are all at the mercy of outrageous fortune. We don’t seek meaning in every turn of events. We don’t imagine bad luck as God testing us, punishing us, or ignoring us; it is just that, bad luck. Stuff happens.

Answer #11

actually some poeple dont need encouragment, they are there own boss. but people look up to many things…parents, freinds, celebrities, teachers, even people they dont know…even things that arnt people! I dont believe in anything. but I know that lows in life are just part of it…thats life. you take the good with the bad, but the bad wont last forever. and a lot of things that people dwell on could have been solved overnight.

Answer #12

I am actually much less depressed now that I’m agnostic than I ever was as a Christian. Part of the reason I think, is because as a Christian I would often pray to God and feel nothing, hear nothing, etc. This made me sometimes feel very insecure about my standing with God. Especially as I listened to other Christians pray and talk about it. But I was always afraid to doubt my faith and forced myself to keep believing, praying, etc.

Now that I’m agnostic, I feel truly liberated and I can decide for myself what I believe based on what I observe and my own reasoning. When I have trouble in my life and if my friends aren’t there with me, I dwell on the reality of situation. I realize that many of my problems are a matter of perception, and aren’t as bad as they seem. I don’t have to try and understand if this is God testing me, Satan subverting me, or just plain circumstance…I can reason and understand why on my own. Also, I try to focus on helping others, which really does take your mind off your own problems.

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