What are good ideas for a new screenname?

okayyy so I have a question duhhh haha. well I want a new screen name for aim. and these are my choices:

krissykrunk krissykrankd krissy x3 RAWR hco krissy hot if you have any suggestions here’s what I want in my screen name:

I’m really preppy so anything that fits that. so anything with abercrombie & hollister. & my name krissy I want that in there. um cute thingggs likee. words like: hot cute rawr yum

if you can think of any screen names give them to me! & if I use yours ill def thank you and let you know. =)

Answer #1

krissykrunky krissyxkrunkz krissyxkrunky t0o x krunk krissy hawt rawrr krissy rawrr krunk yummy x krissy yummy krissy yummi krissy kriss kr0ss

Answer #2

Ok how bout. lilkrissyISprissy

Answer #3

krissysContagiuossmile Ya it’s kinda long. . . .

Answer #4

krissy01 krissme21 krissykrazy89

Answer #5


Answer #6


Answer #7

Pickykrissy! Or… Totallykrissy.

Let us all know what name you choose.

Answer #8

krissy((RAWR!))krunk maybe? idk mine’s hellguitarist666 i think.. add me?

Answer #9

ummm krissyprissy0809

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