How can I stop my life from falling apart?

my life is fallinga apart and I dotnknow what to do I need your help! any bodys help! my mom hates me becsoue she thinks im rebelus all I am akisn is for a latter curfue and to be able to see my friends agian she took away myf riends im not aloud to see them any more becsoue I am turnign like them but is it so bad for me jsut to be who I want to be adn for me not to what to be with or even listen to my mom I knwo she is my mom but this is my life and I need to live it on my own! I ran away sko many tiem in my life time I cant count I dont know what more my mom can do to me all I want is my freedom why wont she jsut give it to me my life feels liek a struggle jsut to keep living ! and I dotn know what to do nymore I feel liek all I have let is to give up!

Answer #1

a sit down conversation might help. just to talk things over. maybe she has a point and you need to find some new friends. I went down a similar path, and it got me nowhere! I started hangin with potheads, then I was a pot head, my grades suffered, my father grounded me( by the way, my mothers dead), I fixed my school issues, still hung out with my friends, got a later curfew, and I only got to that point by staying home every two weeksends or so. parents only take the fun away, because you havent tried to give the respect to your self that you want. you want others to look at you and think, oh a dumbass, of course not, choose some new friends or choose a new way, it is your choice, only you know what is best for you, your parents just give you advice.

Answer #2

im 13

Answer #3


Answer #4

I’ve been exactly where you have been. I live with my mother and my parents are divorced. My mom didnt like my friends and didnt want me seeing them. she did everything she could to keep me from them and I always found a way to be with them. The got me into drugs. first it was cigarettes then it was pot then it was hard drugs like e. I eventually threw a party when my mom went away and it got really crazy. I only threw the party because my “best friend” told me to. I almost got arrested that night. The cops let me off with a warning and the party went on. It got out of control. I eventually got into a fight with this guy who is about 6’3” ( im a girl who is 5’5”) and he tripped me when I was running after a guy for throwing a rock at my house. When he tripped me I landed really hard on the pavement and fractured my wrist and ripped all the skin off of my knee and my “friends” pulled me off of him when I got back up because they knew I would hurt him. After I went back into my house I cried and cried becasue I had thrown the party for the wrong reason. My aunt came home and caught me and didnt talk to me until a few days ago and the party happened june 24 of this summer. after the party I became really depressed and tried to kill myself. my mom walked in as I tied the neuce around my neck. the next day I was admitted into a psychiatric hospital for 2 weeks. now I am medicated and in rehab for drug and alchol abuse. I wish I had listened to my mother in the first place and it all could have been avoided. instead I had to go through all of this. At my party I drank a full bottle of brandy straight. The doctors said I was lucky to be alive when I went to the hospital for my wrist and knee. Please learn from my mistakes and dont follow in my footsteps. I’m 14 years old and I believe that I survived for a reason. Nomatter how hard life may seem now, it goes on and you just need to take it one day at a time, one step at a time. life’s too short to live with regrets. I know that this was really long, but I really hope that I helped you in some way. if you need any more advice just let me know.

Answer #5

I actuly listened to a lot of the advice youall gave any and it really hped I have an alsome life mow yes now and Rhenish make stupid choices bit I’m still learning the people I tjougt were my friends turned out to be the people I hated the most in life but now my sister hangs with so I’m a alittle worried about her I don’t whant her to go down the same path I did.

Answer #6

your 13. you shouldnt be hanging out till all hours of the evening. I’m 19 and still have a cerfew. yes its difficult but its life. as for yuor mom not allowing you to see your friends, she has every right, if she feels you are hanging out in the wrong crowds and doesnt like them then she is more than welcome to stop communication and interaction wit them, once again its not exactly right but its life and shes only doing it for you and your best interest.

mayb try reflecting on your life and trying to see things from your moms perspective. try understand, if after that you still feel she is being way over dramatic and too prtective and actually jeprodising your mental and physical growth and developement as a teenager then sit down and explain to her how you feel. try come up with compromised ways to benefit the both of you… prove her wrong about being rebelious and having dodgy friends by letting her get to know them and respecting her rules.

trust me a little goes a long way.

Answer #7

I feel the same everyday.. you have no idea how it hurts but we have to live with it. I just smile and walk away

Answer #8

ye si get what you all are saying but my friends are bad there drugs botheads and all that so I cant let my mom get to knkow them I know they might not tbe the best for me to hang out with but they are a huge part of my life they helped me through really tuff tiems in my life I use to be a cutter and they helped me throught that so I just cant let them go I need them and they need me!!!

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