How soon can you find out if you're pregnant?

I have a question, how soon can you find outr if your pregnant? is there a chance you could know before your next period? Is it easy to gte pregnant right after your period or no? lately when I’ve been having sex I get a sharp pain in my stomache and my pee is always clear? does that mean anything ALso lately I’ve had bad cramps, I ahevnt been able to eat things like macdonalds, I’ve been really sick and feeling nausea but I havent been puking so much but I can feel the burn in my throat.:S I’ve also been having to go #2 quite a bit and its been softer and easy to get out.

does any of this mean anything? even when I push lightly on my stomache it hurts but im not suppose to get ny period now until the beginning of january. what can I do?

Answer #1

Home pregnancy tests look for a hormone in your urine. This hormone is very weak at first, and gets much stronger after 2 weeks… which is usually the time your period is due. Best to wait a week after, because if you try it too soon, to avoid a false negative.

As far as getting pregnant right after your period - no, its not easy, because that’s not typically when a woman ovulates. If her cyle is normal (period starts ever 28 days) - if you count the first day of your period as Day 1, then Day 14 or 15 is when you ovulate, or some time between days 12 to 18. Thats when its the easiest to get pregnant, not right before or right after. If your menstrual cycle is all over the place, you can’t really go by these rules.

My own signs of pregnancy were: morning nausea, couldnt stand smell or taste of meat, tender breasts, and peeing a lot more.

Here’s what you should do - write down the first date of your last period because it’ll be a needed reference if you ARE pregnant. If you’re worried, and you have $30 to throw away, take the test anyway. If it’s negative, try it again 2nd week of Jan. If it’s positive, there’s a high chance it’s accurate. Then at least you can start planning to take whatever action you need to.

Good luck and try not to worrry.

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