I'm addicted to punching stuff and yelling at people when pissed?

Let’s see…when I was 8, I threw a textbook across the classroom bc a pencil fell off my desk and rolled out of reach.

When I was 9, I threw a photo album across the room because of bad report card. It tore in two.

when I was 11, a friend got a 98 on a test and I only got an 83. I cursed her out and then had a screaming match with grandpa at the supermarket, where we were both kicked out.

When I was 14, I kicked a hole in the wall at high school because a friend didn’t return my call.

When I was in 15, I punched the walls of my high school repeatedly because I thought my detention was unjust. All I did was talk to a friend in class. I also sassed McDonald’s cashier for messing up my orders.

When I was 16, I got an 83% on a chem test, I confronted the teacher and demanded better grade.

When I was 17, a vending machine ate my money and I threw my shoe across my study hall classroom, hitting the ceiling lights. Suspended as always. I also cursed out a girl who got picked to play piano for church christmas concert simply because I didn’t. I got kicked out of youth group.

Spring ‘08, I threw a 3 hour tantrum over online w-2 before calling the w-2 people. I also yelled obscenities in the coffeeshop because I couldn’t reach my mom on her cell phone. On top of that, I cursed out plenty of friends/classmates. Threw a girl’s purse across the classroom because it was in “my” seat. Got kicked out of school physically. Threw stuff across the library and banged the auto door opener really hard.

Recently, I got canned from my job for cursing out coworker and punching the pole in the fitting room and banging my head into it. I stopped driving for almost a year because of bad road rage. You get the idea.

How am I gonna stop the distruction? I’m only capable of NOT doing these things when I’m calm, but how could I control it when I’m pissed?

Answer #1

write a book about your like that was a good story

Answer #2

When you get angry, try counting till 10 slowly before taking any actions & think of all the consequences & decided if its worth it Maybe you need to apply to some of those anger management classes =/ Sorry, I can’t really think of any other solutions =S

Answer #3

I usually hate councilors and phycs because they tend to not see the spiritual side of things (as I like to) but it does sound like something you need to talk out with someone. If I were you I’d get in touch with someone who you don’t know (so they don’t have any preconceived ideas) and talk it out. Make sure the person is someone who knows what they’re talking about though, like a professional.

Answer #4

Go to Anger Management - I’m not going to say it again. All of your post are about the same thing - you have a disease and you need help.

Answer #5

Meanwhile, ADA could protect me…lol. “Don’t mind her throwing that vase against the wall. She got a disease (IED)” I’m seeing a shrink on the 25th and a psyche every coupla weeks. all I got left in life.

Answer #6

No, your disease will not protect you. I’m a recovering drug addict - Addiction is a disease. My disease did not save me - I still spent time in jail, still went to rehab, and still go to addiction classes twice a week.

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