I hate myself

I hate myself I dont know why I just do and I have a lot of friends and I know guys who love me but all the guys who love me I dont love them but 2 guys and I dont know how guys can like me im not hot im nothing and in life im not good in nothing one time I look for something im good at well it was nothing all my friends are good at something but me and I hate that im not good in school like one time the teacher asked me a question and I did not know what she was talking about and im not good in reading or nothing and well like one time I asked my teacher what im good at she said “well your good with people and to people” omg no im not like if someone on the news is dead well I dont care I just say it life and one year a guy I know I bullyed him because I had nothing to do and like someone in my class said hello and I said shut up and im good to people if the people are not someone who will not stop talking or something… so what can I do to love myself and know what im good at???

Answer #1

Crazy world isn’t it? How people can so hard on themselves when they are so beautiful in God’s eyes. He KNEW YOU before you were knit together in your mother’s womb.
Where did all your pictures come from? See… there is some talent there in making them appear on your profile page.
People try to reach out to you and the reply is shut up? I don’t know your family situation, do you have brothers or sisters? The only person we can change is our self. Tell us about your friends.

Answer #2

everyone is an individual and everyone is different. At your age, you will be confused and sometimes down. But there is light at the end of the tunnel trust me, can understand how you are feeling. Try to recognise achievements, say if you finish an assignment or even get to schoool on time, think to urself, well done! Also rely on your friends and family to talk to because you will fell worse if you try to deal with your feeling all alone. take care of your self xoox

Answer #3

Shutup. You stupid emo kid.

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