What does hydrogen do to fire?

Answer #1

hydrogen is higly explosive

Answer #2

Think of a sort of eh- “happy place” for oxygen and hydrogen to sort of be together in. This “happy place” is more or less the condition that’s present between two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. The problem is, getting to that happy place isn’t always so easy.. It takes some pushing… And when that “happy place” is reached- its pretty violent at the molecular level.. energy is released and it grants enough of a push to the other atoms around it to snap into their places with each other and it just spreads.. and that’s what a fire is.

Answer #3

actually, this guy explains it MUCH better, in a way you can really understand. http://funadvice.com/r/15un2oueg7l

Answer #4

hydrogen is more explosive ,u luk great writes form me through josephndungu2011@gmail.com and we share experiences

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