How to train my 4 week old chihuahua puppy?

I recently got a chihuahua puppy and I want to learn how to train her things such as potty training, teching her not to bite, growl or react wildly around people she may not know or other dogs. I got her when she was 3 weeks old and started to bottle feed her because her mom stop feeding her. she is now growin in her teeth but they are not completely there. I will be due may 5th with my first child and I am a lil worried on how the dog will react and how I should take control of the whole situatuin. if you have any advice please let me know I am open to anything and everything.

Answer #1

Four weeks is awfully young to do much training (normally they don’t even leave the breeder till they’re 8 weeks)…and in those 4 weeks MUCH development occurs…She’s too young to ‘hold it’…but you can still get her out everytime she eats, every time she wakes up, and every 20 minutes when she’s playing.

Just keep in mind that everything you’re trying to teach her now, is basically only a foundation until she reaches 8 weeks so don’t look for perfection, it won’t happen at this young age…ALL must be taught very gently, since she is still in such a baby stage (always gently, but at this age, even more so)…


Answer #2

oh Phrannie Is right to. I forgot about age completely. You have to wait for the right ages on those kind of things as well for the puppy.

Answer #3

chihuahua’s can be hard to train. We have one that is a year old and he is pretty will trained. With potty training you can teach them to go outside ether on a leash or in a yard, I tried that but found that for very little dogs its not very effective. How we went about that is something that is pretty much a fake indoor grass patch made for smaller dogs like in apartments were there is no yard. It collects water in a flat tank thing under neath and you have to clean up the other stuff your self each time he makes it.–As-Seen-on-TV.aspx?cm_mmc=CSEMGooglebase-_-Dog-_-As%20Seen%20on%20TV-_-1279394&mr:trackingCode=FF15C309-20D0-DE11-974B-0019B9C043EB&mr:referralID=NA I hope that link works, if not check petco for something called Potty Patch. To train him, there is 2 things you need to do. 1, if you see him miss behaving, going some were else. Scold him and move him to the grass, and make him stay there for a few minutes. 2, and most important, if you see him looking to go potty, move him to the grass, and wait with him making him stay there tell he goes, then give him loads of praise and good boys maybe even a small treat. He will learn pretty fast he can go there and its good boy and if he goes else were its bad boy.

Now for not biting and being good around other people. OMG I had this problem really bad with my little one because the person I got him from pretty much trained him to be mean when he plays. Like really really mean. But he stopped really fast once I got him, the way I did it was I would play with him, and the moment he got mean, or at what ever level you wanted him to stop. Witch for you could be the moment he would bite. I would stop playing, use a strong voice and tell him NO play nice. You can use the same idea for not barking around or at other people. You will have to take him around other people and if he growls or barks, pick him up and use the same voice and tell him NO play nice. Its important to always use the same commend. It will mean to stop what your doing and be calm for him. As long as its always the same commend he should pick it up fast.

Lastly with a baby coming the bread of a dog really does not matter each one is a little different. And they handle babies different. I would guess for a few reasons he will handle it pretty well, mostly because he will still be a pup and should see the baby as a pup to and they would grow up together. As soon as its as ok to do so as it can be you want to introduce the puppy and the baby that way the puppy knows its there. Also you have to show the puppy love still or he could get jealous. If you have any more questions please feel free to funmail me! Good luck!

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