how to kiss

im a teenager and I am really anxious to kiss a girl although I dont really know how any tips? what makes guys good kissers?

Answer #1

if you are gonna toung kiss then just play wit her toung a lil bit and play wit her hair a lil bit or hold her by the hips

Answer #2

well coming from a girl I love it when my boyfriend puts his hand behind my head. its totally hot and it draws me in even closer. also another tip would be to not be too anxious and to wait for the perfect time. my first kiss was horrible and I wish I could take it back so dont end up like me. hope this helps :)

Answer #3

well for your first kiss it should just be on the lips, so theres nothing to it. Just try not to miss. Its happend to a couple of my friends before. Just make sure your breath doesnt stink and your lips arent super chapped. People make a big fuss about it when its not much.

Answer #4

put your hands on her hips and pull her closer. tilt to the side and kiss her very gently. if all goes well and you wanna kiss her more do so. and slowly move your hands to her back or so. not her butt!! good breath and chapstick! deffinatly a must. and dont attack her face. be gentle!

Answer #5

thanks keep the comments coming

Answer #6

my boyfriend is much taller than me so when we make out, he picks me up and lets me stand on his feet so im really close and he puts his hands on my sides and bends and unbends his fingers and it tickles and I giggle which makes it more fun (: just be gentle with your girl and it doesnt have to be all hot and steamy, you can mess with her a bit, like make her laugh. give her lower lip a little nibble or something

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