How to get rid of my nagging mom?

She’s suffering from mental disorder..a kinda psychological problem in which a person starts thinking that he/she is totally right in whatever he/she does. My mom doesnt consider any ones views and specially she thinks that I’m always wrong..and though she might be doing a hundred mistakes in a day, she does never admit it and always accuses me and sometimes becomes wild and violent…she does take medication but only the sleeping pills and they have no affects on her frequent mood swings..she tortures me..please help!!!

Answer #1

Huh, what on earth are you talking about??? My best advice to you is as follows…

  1. You must realize that she is your mother, its her job, til the day you die, to nag you even when you get older get married & have your own kids…that is what mothers do! They carry us in their womb for 9 months rain or shine & protect us as a children & then run your life til they just stop breathing…that is what a mother does!!!
  2. You know she is not well, and you know its her house, so that means also her rules…meaning you have only 2 choices…a)Deal with it, ignore it & move on…b)move out if you can or are old enough to afford it because you have a well paying job!
  3. If you have other siblings, you can confront her about it by having a mini gathering in a calm grown up way. Assure her how much you all love & care about her, but if things dont change soon there will be consequences!!!

Here is an idea: If you seriously record her for a day just watch out for how she reacts to things & capture it on camera, she cant say you are making it up because you have it on cam…& how she acts towards you all, seeing herself that way might make her realize that she needs help, real professional help not just sleeping pills!

No matter what things cant continue this way and just leaving it alone wont change anything either…you have to deal with the situation, try to help where it is needed & hopefully change it so where it is bare-able if not pleasant in the home again!

Good Luck!

Answer #2

Your mom, you must live with it until she gets better. No one else could stand here, I think you should. What I would do, is nod my head, as if I agree, actually I don’t. Just for the moment, until she would talk about something else.

Answer #3

‘She’s suffering from mental disorder..a kinda psychological problem in which a person starts thinking that he/she is totally right in whatever he/she does’

Momatitis. There’s no medication or cure. Tends to happen once women become mothers. Sorry, that’s what all mothers turn into. Oh, and let me guess. You’ve got teenagetitis. Happens between the ages of 12-20. Once teens realize that their parents are the root of all their problems. If is actually abusing you (physically hurting or verbally abusing, not feeding you etc), call cps. Otherwise, she’s being a mom, and you gotta deal with it.

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