How to get rid of acne with extremely dry skin?

I am 14 years old. My stress level is always extremely high!!! I have really dry skin. All over my body, I have those dry bumps. I don’t have the bumps on my face but my face seems to be ALWAYS flaky & dry. I always am breaking out, (maybe because of my stress level), I have pimples everywhere! and blackheads, especially on my nose. I also have really bad red spots or rashes on my cheeks and forehead after I take a shower. its amazingly annoying so I always wear cover-up and foundation. I wear quite a bit of make-up I guess, some eyeliner, eyeshadow, a little bit of mascara and foundation. I have been recently been using Clearisil face wash every morning and night for the last five days, it seems to only work right after I use it. I’ve used a lot of face scrubs, and none seem to work right. Should I use face strips? Or anything you can think of! I’m willing, as long as it isn’t extremely expensive.

Answer #1

I used to have pretty bad acne. Trust me, I know how annoying it is. I started out with Clean and Clear but it didn’t work that great. So switched to AcneFree, which was okay, but a little pricey. It costs about 20 bucks at Sams Club for all the steps. But after my skin started getting used to that and it wouldn’t work anymore. So I bought: Queen Helene Apricot Natural Face Scrub; A store brand Oil-Free Acne Cleanser; Aveeno Clear Complexion Foaming Cleanser; Neutrogena Astringent, and Dove Face Lotion. I know its a lot of stuff, but they’re not that pricey, and they clear acne really fast. If you use them in the order I put that, morning and night, Im sure you’ll have improvement. I did. :] Also, I wouldn’t worry about the make up. Just make sure your foundation is liquid because it would help with the dry skin.

Answer #2

omg! I had the same problem but not now I had tried everything until one day I was in a beauty store and found St Ives daily apricot scrub it gets off all the dry skin and make the acne and spots go away at the same time!! I tell ya I havent worn foundation 4 about 6 weeks now because my skin is so soft and clear please go and buy it you can get it in most stores and it iz so CHEAP!! 5 pounds or 5 dollars and it iz in a big tube so you get your moneys worth and results xx :) xx

Answer #3

Soak in baby oil for your skin. This really makes you skin soft. All you have to do is mix it with water in the bath and soak! Hope this helps. For acne you can call your docter and they should give you a face wash or cream to help! :)

Answer #4

Don’t us a bar of soap on your face, especially if you use it anywhere else on your body. Soap carries bacteria- stick to the soap in a container. People with dry skin tend to look older faster, so moisturize if it doesn’t worsen the problem. The oil seems to preserve the skin longer, so I would try an exfoliator to get the dead/dry layer off- let that oil out more. Your age plays a big factor too tho, there’s a lot of chemicals and hormones trying to balance out at your stage in life- so getting acne is sort of inevitable. Also, I heard that stress(worry) causes them. And, try to be more aware of how much you touch your face in a day- you may be surprised.

Answer #5

your acne could be caused by your stress, or at least coud be made worse because of your stress so being less stressed will be better for your skin caking on makeup like foundation and cover up also isnt good for your skin, because its cant breath and clogs up your pores, causing more acne if your skn is dry you need to moisturise it and use a 3 step skin care such as clean and clear system that cleanses, tones and moisturises, every morning and night

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