How to convince my mom to let me get spiderbites and other Qz?

ok now I want spiderbites on both sides of my lip and my cuzzin is pro tattoo/piercer person w.e and he said he’ll do it and my mom doesnt want me to have a lot of piercings (I have my nose done to) and she thinks ill look like a freak and what not and I told her that whn im like 15(im 14) and can get a job that it’ll be healed and if I have to take them out I can and I still think she doesnt want me to get them so I need some help on convining her to let me get them(plus its suppose to be a early christmas present for me) also how does it feel when you get all 4 done at the sametime? and how do you clean them? and if therez anythng else I shld no tell me please and thankz! :b

Answer #1

thankz! I convinced her to let me get snakebites and if it workz out and all in feb I can get 2 more!!! both of what you guyz said helped lol thank u

Answer #2

tell your mom that if you dont get them done know by some one she knows is responsible then when your 18 you will just get it done by a total stranger who may be unexcon

Answer #3

Sometimes what perents like to hear is that they are going to be responcible and still be themselfs even dough they are doing things that dosent male them be resposible. I have snake bites and they do take long to heal and my mom was the same, she didn’t want me to get them because she just was being protective. Just say what she want to hear tell her that you are going to be responsible and that you like to expirement things and tell her you’ll do what ever she sais I mean she is going o get more aceptable once she sees how responsible you will become.


Answer #4

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