How many layers of hair exstentions should I put in?

I have thin hair, just past my shoulders and I put hair extentions in, but I only put two layers in, one doubled up at the bottom then I wider one at the top, but I think I may need to put another one in, but its hard to cover up all the clips as my hairs thin. And what would be the best way to curl them?

Answer #1

Okay, to fix your hair you can get a sew in.You will have braids under there the while time so your hair will grown in the mean time. IF you wanna stick with extentions you need to stick the close together. they also have hair that helps. You should try and get some remy velvet or some milky. If you choose to curl your hair you need to curl it all to one side.

Answer #2

ok if your white, you DO NOT want to sew it in. trust me I’ve tried, the best thing to do is have it glued in. its reallyyy ichy but in the end it looks soo much better.

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