How do I write a speach?

I have to write a speach, it’s for my friends wedding. I am her maid of honor.. how do I do it? What should I include?

Answer #1

Write from your heart and then speak from your heart. It should be easy if she is a close friend. If you overly plan the speech, it will sound canned. Think about why your are friends and why you enjoy each other’s company. What makes her who she is? You will do fine.

Answer #2

u should include how she is a good friend how your glad to be her made of honor how your glad she found someone to spend her life with☺

Answer #3

Well, first thing you have to consider is your audience interests: what are they interested in and what would they want to hear.

Then, I’d recommend you to look through some speech examples. You know, in order to pick some speech tricks and such. You can find bunch of examples here

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