How do I prevent my sweaty summer feet?

In the summer, my feet always sweat, my hands are the same. So when I wear flip flops, it attracts the dirt and my feet always look black and all my shoes get ruined… I don’t know how to prevent it bc its gross I have to wash my feet everywhere I go and I always wreck my shoes… Help!:x

Answer #1

put baby powder on your feet and hands

Answer #2

The best thing to do is get a pedicure once a week, and keep lotion (Good smell) on your feet, (Pack lotion on your feet, then put socks on, that way it holds it in your feet) as for the sweating, try to wear flip-flops around the house, that way your feet can get used to being out in the open. That way, if your feet DO sweat, they won’t smell bad. I hope I helped enough.

  • Advice Girl, (:
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