How do i make the move on him?

I’m ready to have sex with my Boyfriend..Pretty soon to be married..i am 16 moms signing the papers for us to be married once i am 17..which is in 4 months..we been togeather for awhile we talked about it..But i really dont know how to make the move..I know when were about to im just gonna get scared.. I guess im scared for him to see my body Or get pregnant but my mom said if i did and we got married she wouldnt care if i got pregnant..So how can i make the Move? and get over my fears?

Answer #1

Having sex with your b/f should be antedated by a mood when you are/get “horny”, or warmed up” or “melted into” the sexuality. So I advise you to practice yourself in the so called “making out”, and that will lead you. And take your pants off when you 2 can not help doing it.

Answer #2

I think xbabiie, by the way you responded to the comment from angelfire you sound like an immature kid who has no clue what is in store for you in the future. I hope you realize the limits you are setting yourself by not going to school weather it be High School or college. You obviously do not sound ready to be married if your not comfortable with somone else seeing your body which is okay because your a kid, and as much as you thin your not, sorry to say, you are…..a kid. So since this is a website for advice here is mine.. Grow up, finish school, ditch the b/f and enjoy whats left of your childhood…

Answer #3

Haaaaaaaaaaa Ok first off..were gettin married because we want too and im more grown up then you obvoiusly i know what marriage is you dont have to tell me what it is..I dont go to school nor am i goin to college so i dont have to worry about that stuff..So if ur gonna sit there an insult someone and tell theme to grow up then you dont need to be freakin helpin people out take your own advice..

Answer #4

Is there a reason why you are getting married at age 17? Your talking marriage, and yet your scared to let your bf see your body? You dont sound ready for marriage OR sex in my opinion!!! Youve got your whole life to be married, why would you want to jump into it, when you should be enjoying your youth?? You seriously need to sit down and rethink your life right now. Marriage is a big committment, for 2 consenting adults, imagine how its gonna be for 2 young teenagers!!! You should be concentrating and thinking about college, not marriage, or sex, or the fear of letting your bf see your body. Seriously hun> GROW UP!!!

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Sex education, Intimacy, Relationship advice