How can I stop my new lip peircing catching?

I just got the right hand side of my lip peirced 3 days ago. and im finding it really hard to eat anything. it just catches on my tooth. has anybody else had this problem?

Answer #1

usually theyll put a long labret ( jewlerey stud with a screw on ball or spike) to allow for the inevitable swelling though they usually put one that too big in there which will make everything uncomfortable to do untill you get a smaller one in there you should be waiting at the very least, 1 month before you change it3 is whats recommended but the piercer would have probably told you it will be fine to change within a week or two which isnt correct

but in the meantime just be carefull and take your time while eating

Answer #2

Mmhmm I did when I first got mine done (all 5 times haha). Its because when they pierce it they have to put a long post it due to swelling, and once the swelling goes down (usually within the day) theres extra space left on the post. It’ll be annoying but you just have to deal with it until it’s healed and you can change it to a shorter post. I just held my lip in place lower so it wouldn’t catch, or if it did I just pushed it off with my tongue, but there isn’t really a way to get around it that I know of… Sorry. Good Luck!

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