How can I look really fine,cute,pretty?

Ok there are like pretty girls everywhere I turn and thin but I want to look pretty and and thin like them I mean being myself is ok but I want to be myself plus be one of the finest please help so I can be skinny pretty and cool to hang out with help please give me sumthng I can use because otha people are giving me nothin I need freakin advice lol

Answer #1

I spent a lot of time struggling with this myself. Until age 17 or so, I always felt like I had at least one part of my body that didn’t match the rest. I’m not saying I’m gorgeous now by any means, but I am better than what I used to be. So, what did I do? I started addressing the issues on my body one by one until I had the “total package”. My teeth were crooked, so I got braces. I hated wearing glasses, so I got contacts. I was flat chested, so I bought some padded pushup bras. My complection sucked, so I started wearing makeup. Finally, I looked at myself in the mirror one day and said “You know what Heaven, you don’t look half bad.” The rest is history :-)

Long story short, take your issues piece by piece and improve them. Don’t tackle everythign at once. Many people will tell you that you look great just the way you are (and I’m sure you do), but from my own experience I know that’s not what you want to hear. Getting over your own opinion is the biggest obstacle. It may take a bit of time, but if you slowly work on what you don’t like about yourself, you’ll be a lot better off.

Answer #2

I bet you look fine the way you r. but I cant cant say because you dont have a pic up

Answer #3

I don’t know what you’’ think of this but I hope it helps somewhat. I learned that soda makes some people bloated. I quit drinking soda and stopped eating really fatting foods and I lost about 30 1bs. As far as new looks, I go on youtube to see some new makeup and hair styles.

Answer #4

I wonder if your perception of “those pretty girls” is the same as the one they have of themselves. They could easily be home, thinking the same thing as you…”how can I be pretty”…You’re comparing how you feel on the “inside” (ugly, fat, etc)…to what they “look” like on the outside…the comparison doesn’t work…unless you have some 6th sense that tells you how they feel on the inside.

Therefore it’s just as has been said in all the above answers…put some thought into what your good qualities are…including personality…and shine them up…it’s the inner self that will open doors for you.


Answer #5

What you really need to do is get some confidence, I’ve seen some women who aren’t the stereotypical idea of pretty but they were confidant in themselves and that made them stand out and they were stunning just cause of that simple thing. Walk with confidence and realize you are a beautiful person and believe me people will start to notice you more.

Answer #6

no why make you say ima a red neck?

Answer #7

I agree with hippiepeaceprincess 100%.

Answer #8

get self confidence. are you a red neck? JUST ASKING?

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